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在他生病期间许多同志去看望了他。Marly comrades went to see him during his illness.

达里玛尔黎-乘坐像亲的,有信心与您的滑雪板。By Daryl Marly – Ride like the pro's, be confident with your snowboarding.

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介绍昆明市南郊污水干管管线施工时泥炭质软土产生的问题,分析其原因。The cause of occurrence of trouble in the treatment of marly soft clay for sewage main pipe is analysed.

第一部分首先概述了中国高校信息资源共建共享的发展历程。The first part marly outlines the development course of China academic information resources joint building and sharing.

最近我读了一则消息说在日本,许多商人向顾客出售新鲜空气,现在这种情况越演越烈。It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers. and now it is becoming more and more popular.

借助田野资料,从初等教育、中等教育、高等教育的教育经济效益计量的角度,分析了西南民族地区农村家庭学校教育的决策与行为。This paper marly analyzes the policies and actions of school education of rural families in southwest minority area with the help of actual materials.

最近我读了一则消息说在日本,许多商人向顾客出售新鲜空气,现在这种情况越演越烈。I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers. and now it is becoming more and more popular.

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环境污染最近我读了一则消息说在日本,许多商人向顾客出售新鲜空气,现在这种情况越演越烈。I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers. and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why?

事实上,我并未打算再次写有关玛尔黎的事,但我在工作室和健身房收到许多关于我的这位“多毛客人”的电子邮件和无数询问。I didn't actually intend to write about Marly again but I have had many emails and countless enquiries from people at my workshops and at the gym about my hairy house-guest.

混凝土桥面铺装在交通荷载、自然因素、温度与收缩应力综合作用下,普遍出现了早期开裂与破坏。Marly crack and deterioration of many bridge deck overlays have been attributed to the traffic load, nature factor and high thermal or shrinkage stress development in the concrete.