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做好事。Do good.

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再见。Good bye.

好天?Good day?

好眼力!Good eye!

我好得很。I'm good.

好记性!Good memory!

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好房出租!Good rental!

姜是老的辣。Old is good.

性本善。Sex is good.

还得是一匹好马。A good horse.

好好笑呢。A good laugh.

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早上好。Good morning.

密封性好。Good sealing.

手表完全恢复正常。All warm good.

这种感觉真好。Feels so good.

羲,晚上好!Good evening !

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好样的,儿子!Good job, son!

问得好。Good question.

那太好了。That was good.