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广东也这么认为。Guangdong thinks so, too.

我住在广东顺德。I live in Guangdong Shunde.

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广东省佛山人。Guangdong Province Foshan person.

顾出生在广东省。Gu was born in Guangdong Province.

广东巨星影业公司董事长。Guangdong Star Film Company chairman.

我想要个广东菜。我们有鸡片汤、香菇清汤等等。I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.

广东证券公司网上行情系统。Guangdong Securities online quotes system.

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我在广东碧桂园学校读书。I study at Guangdong Country Garden School.

在外面喝早茶吃早点是广东的饮食文化。Out to breakfast is Guangdong food culture.

联系广东粤港供水有限公司。contact the Water Supply Ltd. of Guangdong.

云浮市属于广东省偏落后地区。Yunfu City of Guangdong belongs backward areas.

负责广东地区土地开发取得。Focus on land acquisition in the Guangdong Area.

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我想去广东惠州旅游一趟。I want to go to the Guangdong Huizhou to travel.

土楼住宅项目,广东省Tulou Housing Project, Guangdong Province, China

我的家乡坐落在粤东的一个乡村。My hometown is located in a village in Guangdong.

偶们有广式的和苏式的。We have the Guangdong style and the Suzhou style.

众目所知,广东省最出色的就是生产制造业。Of course, what Guangdong does best is to produce.

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最近在广东的罢工走得甚至更远。Lately strikers in Guangdong have done even better.

她之前一直生活在广东省的一家动物园里。She had been living at a zoo in Guangdong province.

还有沪式月饼和粤式月饼。We also have mooncakes from Shanghai and Guangdong.