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室内空气要新鲜,可以自由吸入氧气。Indoor air wants fresh, OK and free inspiratory oxygen.

呃逆是一个简短的自愿吸气运动其次是声门关闭。Hiccup is a brief involuntary inspiratory movement followed by glottal closure.

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普通人呼吸,总是吸气时胸部略高、腹部略收。Everyman breathes, always be inspiratory when bosom slightly tall, abdomen closes slightly.

吸气时间测定是从吸气开始到呼气开始。Inspiratory time is measured from the beginning of inspiration to the beginning of exhalation.

绿色植物能够吸入二氧化碳,释放氧气,对人们的身体健康大有裨益。Greenery can inspiratory carbon dioxide, release oxygen, to people healthy have profit greatly.

忽然,我感到一阵头昏眼花,一种非凡醉人的气味吸入我的鼻孔。Abrupt, I feel lightheaded , the odour of a kind of special intoxicate is inspiratory my nostril.

即刻吸入新鲜空气后,头痛很快好转或消失。After immediateness and inspiratory fresh air, have a headache to improve very quickly or disappear.

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结果病例组在呼气末图像上发现有空气残留,而吸气末正常。Results Expiratory scans showed evidence of air trapping, when inspiratory scan and PFTs were normal.

大约10分钟后,在吸气的时候用保鲜膜把腹部包起来,30分钟以后打开冲洗干净。About 10 minutes later, the inspiratory time Handi wrap up the abdomen, flush with open in 30 minutes.

呼出声比吸入���持续时间长,且吸入声和呼出声之间有一段安静的间隔。The expiratory sound lasts longer than the inspiratory sound, and a silent gap separates these two sounds.

吸入和呼出声具有相同的持续时间,它们之间存在或不存在一个安静间隔。Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are about equal in duration, and a silent gap may or may not separate them.

吞咽每个水丸所需的吞咽次数和吞咽时间与最大吸气压有明显的相关性。The number of swallows and total swallowing time per bolus correlated significantly to maximal inspiratory pressure.

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治疗组在此综合治疗的基础上加用肝素氧气雾化吸入治疗。Remedial group is added on this foundation of comprehensive treatment with heparin oxygen pulverization inspiratory cure.

一名年龄七十五岁之病人患有间歇性呼吸困难及胸闷六年之时间,被误诊为有气喘病三年。This 75-year-old male had been suffering from intermittent inspiratory difficulty and chest discomfort for about 6 years.

将螺旋CT与HRCT扫描结果进行对照分析,找出HRCT在小支气管扩张诊断中的优势及深吸气与深呼气相HRCT的特点。The result of inspiratory and expiratory HRCT were compared with the result of spiral CT to find out the superiority of HRCT.

百日咳经典的阵发性咳嗽包含几个迅速而刺耳的呼气,跟着就是生动吸入性哮咳。The classic paroxysmal cough of pertussis consists of several rapid, harsh expirations followed by a dramatic inspiratory whoop.

这样,会大量吸入自己呼出的二氧化碳,缺乏必要的氧气,对身体健康极为不利。Such, the meeting is many and inspiratory the carbon dioxide of own expiration, lack necessary oxygen, right healthy very adverse.

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吸气的时候,启动你的脊骨向下退,同时拉起双膝至屈曲的状态。Inspiratory when, those who start you is spinal retreat downward, pull double genu to come at the same time inflectional condition.

目的了解皮肌炎患者呼吸中枢肺的功能变化。Objective To investigate the changes of central respiratory drive and inspiratory muscle function in patients with dermatomyositis.

阶段IV是吸气下降支。这是吸入的开始及二氧化碳曲线急速降为零。Phase IV is the inspiratory downstroke. This is the beginning of the inhalation and the carbon dioxide curve falls steeply to zero.