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这种古玩已经多次转手了。This curio has passed throgh many hands.

别把时间都浪费在搜集古玩上面。Don't trifle away your time on curio hunting.

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难道你也想要收藏什么古董文物?You also ambition to collect what curio cultural object?

接着这个小古董店变得一片寂静。There was a silence then that filled the little curio shop.

陈良绍墓志于2002年春在古玩商人处发现。Chen Liangshao's epitaph was discovered in 2002 to be possessed by a curio merchant.

在这里喝杯咖啡,翻翻杂志,赏赏古玩,想想心思,养心养性,是最好不过了。Have a cup of coffee, browse the magazines and enjoy the curio , nothing better than that!

而书店、古玩店、珠宝店集中在老阿尔巴特街。Moreover, bookstores, curio stores, jewelry stores were gathering in the old Arbat Street.

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万般无奈之下,母亲只好打碎了这个价值不菲的古董花瓶。In this emergency, mother had no choice but to break this unpredictable expensive curio vase.

而多宝格的初试啼声即是介绍台湾向来颇负盛名的饮食文化。By the way, the first topic of "Cultural Curio Cabinet" is Taiwan's well-known food tradition.

它开始只是某家名不见经传的海事网站上刊登的一件不让人注意的小事,继而演变成今年夏季的一个迷团。It began as a curio item on an obscure maritime website and grew into the mystery of the summer.

有特色的温哥华图片。浏览这昂贵的时装店,咖啡馆,和古董店沿着温哥华的大街到下午挤满人群。Browsing the boutiques, cafés, and curio shops along Vancouver's Main Street will fill an afternoon.

百大酒窖,深圳古玩城斥20亿巨资,历时三年,精工玉琢,终成大器。Centiwine Cellar is made with 2 Billion RMB and three years' fine construction in Shenzhen Curio World.

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例如,如果你在木工上有特别的能力,开始创造儿童的玩具,或者古董柜拿去卖。For example, if you have a skill for woodworking, start creating children's toys, or curio cabinets to sell.

汉以后,雅乐多次失传,以至人们认为它只是一个假古董。After Han Dynasty, the fact that ritual music was lost again and again convinces people that it is only a fake curio.

首饰绸缎古董再加上成箱的珠宝,满满的装了十几只大箱子。The jewelry silk ans taint curio pluseses into the jewelry of boxs again, full fullly packed more than ten big boxes.

上海老街收藏楼马家古玩有限公司位于上海著名旅游胜地——豫园。Mas Family Curio Co. , Ltd, Shanghai Old Street Collection House is located in the famous scenic spot of tour-Yu Garden.

如果你更倾向于内在结构,那么你应该达到一个类似于“古董”这样的计划。这样的计划能给你更广阔的创造空间。If you're more internally structured, you'd reach for a program like Curio that gives you a wide open space to create in.

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把它们放在古董台上,就是对你祖母最好的贡物,并创造一个有趣的焦点。Placing those pieces in a curio cabinet will be a nice tribute to your Grandmother and create an interesting focal point.

他周游世界,为了追寻他诡异的想法,收集故事和琐事,如同要将一个古玩柜填满那般。He travelled the world to pursue his eccentric obsession, collecting stories and trivia as if filling an enormous curio cabinet.

当时人们认为那种红蓝3D眼镜将是未来观影必备物品,平板投射技术将成为历史古董。Red and blue spectacles, it was imagined, would be routinely employed to watch a film. Flat projection would be a historical curio.