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在这四月天。In the April days.

2004年,如今的延中绿地。April of 2004 by you.

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四月万事不烦忧。No worries for April.

四月天自行其是。April tut was er will.

但四月底就结束了。that ended last April.

别当一个四月的傻帽儿!Don't be an April Fool!

愚人节快乐!Happy April Fool's Day.

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4月气候宜人。April is a pleasant month.

我的生日是四月是九号。My birthday is april 19th.

四月天的时候回来。Come back when it is April.

哇呀呀,这里到了四月还飞雪啊。It can still snow in April.

这是个美丽四月天。It's a beautiful April day.

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四月份多拉就满四岁了。Dorah will be four in April.

四月是最残忍的季节。April is the cruellest month.

于是四月便倏地一下飞进我们怀中。And April slips into our arms.

五月在四月和六月之间。May is between April and June.

这个封面来自二零零二年四月的那期And this is from April of 2002.

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温泉镇,佐治亚州,4月12日Warm Springs, Georgia, April 12

你会在四月份查到结果。which you'll find out in April.

四月带来报春花美美甜甜。April brings the primrose sweet.