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富士公司也为教育宣传活动提供支持。They also support educational outreach.

这家出版社出版教育书籍。This press publishes educational books.

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我们必须对教育改革给予更多投资。We must invest more in educational reforms.

这些游戏也是非常具有教育性,很有魅力。They are also very educational and engaging.

我作了一项有关教育改革的论述.I gave a discourse on educational reformation.

对全国教育战线十七年的工作怎样估计?China's educational work in the first 17 years?

教育光盘在许多国家有出售。Educational CD-ROMs are sold in many countries.

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他最具教育意义的嗜好是集邮。His most educational hobby is stamp-collecting.

UCU是乌克兰教育系统中的一颗明珠。UCU is a jewel in Ukraine's educational system.

我们的方法是说教式的完全自愿的。Our approach is educational and wholly voluntary.

行政使徒的命令是教育性。The chief apostolate of the order is educational.

六年级学生昨天看了一部教育片。The sixth grade saw an educational film yesterday.

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我们要贯彻执行党的教育方针。We should carry on the Party's educational policy.

对育幼师的教育有什么样的规定?What is the educational requirement for au pairs ?

我们整个教育制度都蒙受其害。Our whole educational system suffers from this evil.

与“虎妈”对应,这种教育方法被称为“羊妈”。This kind of educational mode is called "Sheep Mom".

第三代绿道还有教育功能。Generation 3 greenways also have an educational role.

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我是教育广播公司教育节目的编导。I'm the director of educational programs for the EBC.

师爱在教育活动中具有重要影响和积极作用。It plays an important role in educational activities.

教学测试服务管理这TOEIC。The Educational Testing Service administers the TOEIC.