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它们的部署将会增加对新回程解决方案的需求。Their deployments will increase the need for new backhaul solutions.

研究中考虑回程及任务时间限制,建立数学模型。Backhaul and task due time are considered to establish mathematic model.

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全业务运营对接入网或移动回程网的要求。Full service operation's new requirements to access or backhaul networks.

最近,无线回程已经变得越来越流行,因为它降低了成本。Recently, wireless backhaul has become more popular due to its lower cost.

在这个过程中,回程瓶颈变得更加突出。In the process, the bottleneck affect of backhaul has become more prominent.

其中,透过使用IP中继网,将可发挥达到缩减成本策略之重要效果。The deployment of IP backhaul is a vital part of this cost-reduction strategy.

选择器所执行的算法结果由于回程而延迟。The results of the algorithm run by the selector are delayed because of backhaul.

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非洲排名第三有点令人吃惊,由于严重依赖对微波回程。Africa ranks a somewhat surprising third due to heavy reliance on microwave backhaul.

这包括无线网,电网,网络远程站点中继器,可扩展网络,并连接到回程。This includes wireless mesh, grids, network remote station repeaters which can extend networks and connect to backhaul.

语音是流量的主要组成部分,运营商可以在每个基站用几个T-1来满足其回程要求。With voice as the primary traffic component, an operator could meet its backhaul requirements with a couple of T-1's per base station.

多年来,这种回程大多来自主导电信公司提供昂贵的,对称的专用线路的大楼上。For years, this sort of backhaul has mostly come from incumbent telcos offering expensive, symmetrical dedicated lines to the tower site.

无线能使新的许可运营商自己配备主干连接链路,无需依赖于从竞争的运营商那里租用专线。Wireless enables newly licensed operators to self-provide backhaul links without the need to rely on leased circuits from competitive operators.

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建立了活塞、冲锤在缸体内的运动规律,上下缸内液体状态变化的数学模型以及冲程和回程阶段活塞运动微分方程。The authors establish a mathematical model for the efflux hammer as well as a differential equation for piston movement in strike and backhaul phase.

摩托罗拉还为在拥有许可证的频率上运行的回程链路应用推出了一种点对点的以太网桥接器,并且计划在今年年底前出货。Motorola also announced a point-to-point Ethernet bridge for backhaul applications that operates in licensed spectrum and is slated to ship by year-end.

它包括在该公司的研究服务,移动网络和宽带两个,也将是即将到来的一部分“移动回程研究服务。”It is included in two of the firm's Research Services, Mobile Networks and Broadband, and will also be part of the upcoming "Mobile Backhaul Research Service."

问题在于整个国家中很大一部分的发射塔仍然使用慢速铜制网线连接,而如果使用光缆费用就太高了。The problem is that a huge portion of the cell towers in the country are still connected using slow copper lines, and running fiber backhaul to them is expensive.

这些发展导致需要一个无线回程传输网络,以促进互操作性、端到端安全以及端到端服务质量。These developments bring the need for a wireless backhaul transport network to facilitate interoperability, end-to-end security, and end-to-end quality of service.

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辅助硬件,CX600可以提供在亚微秒级的时间同步精度,完全满足各种标准的移动回程要求。With auxiliary hardware, CX600 can provide the precision of time synchronization at a sub-microsecond level, fully meeting mobile backhaul requirements of various standards.

本文介绍了现有的移动回程网络技术和将电信级以太网的技术应用到移动回程网中的产生背景。The necessity of Carrier Ethemet for mobile backhaul network is introduced in this paper, and the requirements of synchronization in Ethernet-based backhaul networks is described.

该设备系分式回程列管旋筒,在连续生产中用于加热油皂混合物,使它达到规定的工艺温度。This machine is the Rotary Drum of fracton backhaul tube, it is used to heat up the oil and soap mixer in continuous producing, make it to the art temperature which has been regulated.