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已有报道通过性传播拉沙病毒。Sexual transmission of Lassa virus has been reported.

拉沙热的潜伏期为6-21天。The incubation period of Lassa fever ranges from 6-21 days.

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拉沙热发生在所有年龄组的男女中间。Lassa fever occurs in all age groups and in both men and women.

人类通常通过暴露于受感染的Mastomys鼠的排泄物感染拉沙病毒。Humans usually become infected with Lassa virus from exposure to excreta of infected Mastomys.

发生拉沙热流行的许多国家的内乱阻碍了有效控制。Civil unrest in many of the countries where Lassa fever is endemic has impeded effective control.

拉沙病毒性出血热是发生在西非的一种病程1-4周的急性疾病。Lassa viral haemorrhagic fever is an acute illness of 1-4 weeks duration that occurs in West Africa.

科学家最近已成功把常见的绒猴作为新的供拉沙热研究的动物模型。Scientists have developed the common marmoset monkey as a new animal model for Lassa fever research.

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拉沙热是一种人畜共患疾病,即人通过接触受感染的动物引起感染。Lassa fever is a zoonotic disease, meaning that humans become infected from contact with infected animals.

在极少数情况下,来自拉沙热流行地区的旅行者将该病带到其它国家。On rare occasions, travellers from areas where Lassa fever is endemic export the disease to other countries.

拉沙热通过发现拉沙抗原、抗拉沙抗体或病毒分离技术进行诊断。Lassa fever is diagnosed by detection of Lassa antigen, anti-Lassa antibodies, or virus isolation techniques.

尚无证据支持利巴韦林作为拉沙热暴露后预防性治疗的作用。There is no evidence to support the role of ribavirin as post-exposure prophylactic treatment for Lassa fever.

常规隔离护理防范措施可能在大多数情况下能避免拉沙病毒的传播。Routine barrier nursing precautions probably protect against transmission of Lassa virus in most circumstances.

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直到1969年,拉沙热才在西非首次发现,那是一种极其致命的疾病,我们对其了解甚少。Lassa fever, which wasn't first detected until 1969, in West Africa, is extremely virulent and little understood.

1969年,设在康涅狄格州纽黑文的耶鲁大学实验室里的一名医生在研究拉沙热的过程中倒下了,然而他活了下来。In 1969, a doctor at a Yale University lab in New Haven, Connecticut, who was studying Lassa fever came down with it.

控制拉沙热的主要方法是隔离病例、消毒、监测接触者和控制啮齿动物。The main methods of controlling Lassa Fever are isolation of cases, disinfection, surveillance of contacts and rodent control.

社区中预防拉沙热集中于促进良好的“社区卫生”来阻止啮齿动物进入家中。Prevention of Lassa fever in the community centers on promoting good “community hygiene” to discourage rodents from entering homes.

将这些线索联系在一起对于像拉沙热导致的免疫系统紊乱的诊断以及平衡的保持是至关重要的。Connecting those strands is critical to diagnosing and restoring balance to an immune system gone haywire in a disease like Lassa fever.

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拉沙热是一种由沙粒病毒属中的拉沙病毒引起的,可持续一至四周的急性病毒性疾病。Lassa fever is an acute viral illness of one to four weeks duration caused by lassa virus a member of the arena virus family of viruses.

此外,由欧洲联盟赞助,正在塞拉利昂建造一所病房,专门用于拉沙热患者的医护。In addition, a new ward dedicated to the care of patients with Lassa fever is under construction in Sierra Leone, sponsored by the European Union.

由于拉沙热的症状如此各不相同和非特异性,往往难以进行临床诊断,尤其在病程初期。Because the symptoms of Lassa fever are so varied and non-specific, clinical diagnosis is often difficult, especially early in the course of the disease.