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知道今年教师节的主题吗?What is the motif of this year?

胸部的绣花和印图很好的体现了优点。AWS embroidery and print motif on the chest.

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疏离感是她小说的一个重要的主题。Alienation is a central motif in her novels.

发绣从打样设计开始。Hair embroidery starts with motif designing.

我表示怀疑——没有哪个女人喜欢用人皮来装饰墙壁。I doubt it—no woman would use skin as a wall motif.

我选择自己,不断地把“我”这个母题持续下去,就这么简单。I chose myself and keep the motif "I". It's as simple as that.

发展和创新是合并高校的永恒主题。Reliablity and validity are eternal motif of language testing.

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一个古典的传统羔羊毛羊毛花纹。注意请干洗。A classic, cool-weather motif in traditional lambswool. Importent, Dry clean.

他的动机来自于他种种强健的笔触和混乱。His motif emerges from various kinds of his nervous brush-stroke, from chaos.

母题既是修辞手段,又是修辞手段构置在作品的具体表现。The motif is both the way of schemata and incorporate of schemata in the text.

在本人中,我们将列举一系列具有浪漫意味的视觉幻象。In this article, we feature a number of visual illusions with a romantic motif.

主持站在长笛腿的,其顶部刻有精美图案鳞片。The chair stands on flute legs , and its top carved with elegant foliate motif.

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李旭脸上的嚣张之意在他挂了电话后就特别的旺盛了。Li Xu Lian's overbearing motif after he hanged a telephone specially prosperous.

具体地,本发明涉及存在于所有病毒基因组中的AGG基序。In particular the invention relates to the AGG motif present in all viral genomes.

带着标志穆萨维改革运动的绿色面巾的抗议者在向人展示他们的伤势。Protesters wearing the green motif of Mousavi's campaign showed off their injuries.

赫利和陈也都因为谷歌不太喜欢他们的帮派作风而放弃了谷歌。Hurley and Chen bowed out after their Google handler objected to the gangster motif.

这款优美动听的镀白金色大圈耳饰,以备受迎接的编结设计为特征。This beautiful pair of rhodium-plated hoop earrings features the popular knot motif.

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文章对香港女诗人韦娅诗文创作中的“爱的主题”作了诗意的阐释。This paper expounds on the love motif in the poems of Wei Ya, a poetess in Hongkong.

所以我的书一面市我就开始接到电话询问关于motif培训和咨询的事情。So my book comes out and I start getting calls to do training and consulting in Motif.

第一章“杀子”母题的文化原型与文学类型研究。Chapter I Research on the cultural prototype and literary genre of the"killed-son"motif.