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当你拍电影的时候,你会觉得自己是刀枪不入的。There's a sense of invulnerability when you're making a movie.

他的对手还仍然对他表面上的坚不可摧感到棘手。His opponents were still obsessed by his seeming invulnerability.

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战士无须尽善尽美,不需常胜不败,不必刀枪不入。A warrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability.

接近无敌腰带失败可能下降。The "Nigh Invulnerability Belt" now has a smaller chance of failure.

这个问题目前已经被修正了,免疫状态将会即时生效。This has been resolved and the invulnerability will begin immediately.

尽管表面一副刀枪不入的样子,还是常感觉到心累。Although the surface of a pair of invulnerability look, or feel tired heart.

实际上,这个免疫状态将会在下一次服务器维护后才去生效。In reality, the invulnerability does not go into effect until the next downtime.

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险些倒闭的贝尔斯登银行打破了人们普遍认为华尔街坚不可摧的神话。The near-collapse of Bear Stearns punctures Wall Street's sense of invulnerability.

伊甸民短暂地将一个友军单位包裹在不可侵犯的圣光核球内。Edain sheaths a friendly unit in an invulnerability globe of sacred light for a very short time.

MODOK的举动,包括精神控制,部队爆破,心理稻瘟病,智取胜,无敌等等。MODOK's moves include Mind Control, Force Blast, Psychic Blast, Outwit, Invulnerability and more.

最大的危险来自瘦子季曼,他有一种刀枪不入的讨厌神气。The greatest danger was posed by Skinny Zyama, who had assumed an obnoxious air of invulnerability.

那些吃了假补品的人后就有种刀枪不入的感觉,并且不愿意做运动。Those taking phony supplements reported a greater sense of invulnerability and less of a desire to exercise.

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此外,流量分布对复杂保障网络的抗毁性也有显著影响。Furthermore, the distribution of network traffic also has a strong impact on the invulnerability performance.

当英雄使用了无敌药水后,小精灵爆炸技能将不再能抽取他的法力。Wisps Detonate ability will no longer drain mana from Heroes while under the effects of Potion of Invulnerability.

在谈论镜像生命无可比拟的优势时,丘奇将这种不幸事故当作反面教材拎了出来。When Church talks about mirror life’s quirky advantages, invulnerability to this kind of mishap is high on his list.

提出了节点团的概念,并且针对基于节点团通信网络的抗毁性提出了一种评价方法。This paper presents the concept of node group and proposes a new method to evaluate the invulnerability of communication networks.

文章第二章,介绍了与野战地域通信网拓扑层抗毁性相关的图论及通信基础知识。In chapter 2, basic knowledge of graph theory and communication correlation to invulnerability on topological structure of RCN is introduced.

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我们将这种相关失效行为称为“级联失效”,考虑网络中“级联失效”的抗毁性称为“级联失效抗毁性”。This dependent failure behavior is called"cascading failure"and the invulnerability considering cascading failure is called"cascading invulnerability".

他出生后,母亲海洋女神西蒂斯握着他的脚跟在冥河里浸泡,因此他全身除脚踵外其他地方刀枪不入。Oceanides Thetis, Achilles' mother grasped his heel to soak him in the Styx River after he was born. Therefore his whole body is invulnerability except the heel.

复杂网络的抗毁性直接关系到复杂网络的安全性和可靠性,是近年来复杂网络研究的热点分支。Invulnerability of complex networks directly related to security and reliability of complex networks is a hotspot of the study of complex networks in recent years.