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埃博拉扎伊尔病毒杀夺取百分之九十的受感染者的生命。Ebola Zaire virus kills 90 per cent of the people it infects.

他不停地与埃博拉从其他病人不同的人。He kept the people with Ebola separate from the other patients.

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现在马尔堡和埃博拉病毒都没有治疗方法和已证明有效的疫苗。There is no cure or approved vaccine for either Marburg or Ebola virus.

2000年10月,在乌干达北部的Gulu区报告了埃博拉疫情。In October 2000, Ebola was reported in Gulu district in northern Uganda.

也是1979年以来,苏丹亚型埃博拉病毒第一次有报告的出现。This was the first reported emergence of the Sudan Ebola virus since 1979.

人们提出了不同的假设,试图说明埃博拉暴发的起源。Different hypotheses have been developed to explain the origin of Ebola outbreaks.

伊波拉病毒首次于1976年在扎伊尔和苏丹的伊波拉出血性高烧的爆发中露面。Ebolavirus first came to light in 1976 in outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in and.

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确定导致马尔堡与埃博拉病毒宿主的生态学研究正在进行中。Ecological studies are in progress to identify the natural reservoir of both Marburg and Ebola.

它指出埃博拉病毒依靠尼曼-皮克蛋白亿进入细胞的深处。It indicates that the protein Niemann-Pick is used by the Ebola virus to get deep inside cells.

自从发现埃博拉病毒以来,总共记载了大约1850个病例,1200多人死亡。About 1850 cases with over 1200 deaths have been documented since the Ebola virus was discovered.

1976年7月至11月,苏丹有284人感染埃博拉病毒,151人死亡。Between June and November 1976, the Ebola virus infected 284 people in Sudan, causing 151 deaths.

该组织担心这种动物可能携带隐型的埃博拉病毒。But the agency worries the animal may carry the Ebola virus without showing any signs of disease.

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去年的埃博拉疫情在西非肆虐的时候,美国援建的一家医院里的工作人员就是古巴人。During last year's Ebola outbreak in West Africa, one American-built hospital was staffed by Cubans.

去年的获得者为在抗击埃博拉疫情的医疗人员,2013年为教皇方济各。Last year, healthcare workers treating the Ebola epidemic were honored. In 2013, it was Pope Francis.

卫生当局迄今共报告了32起埃博拉病例,其中包括15例死亡。As of today, the health authorities have reported a total of 32 cases, including 15 deaths from Ebola.

这文章首先讨论了军民两用的技术和物品,然后又说了埃博拉病毒。我真不知道埃博拉还能军民两用了喂。First the article talked about dual use items and then Ebola. I did not know that Ebola had dual uses.

截至12月31日,共有3例经实验室确诊的埃博拉出血热病例。As of 31st December there has been a total of 3 laboratory-confirmed cases of Ebola haemorrhagic fever.

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科学家同样考虑到生物多样性的流失对于像非洲博拉这样的病毒意味着什么。Scientists are also considering what a loss of biodiversity means for such diseases as Ebola in Africa.

科学家们搜集了炭疽杆菌和埃博拉病毒方面的研究论文,并同样搜集了克雷柏氏杆菌方面的文章作为对照。They checked out work with anthrax bacteria, the ebola virus, along with a control, Klebsiella bacteria.

接触埃博拉患者用过的衣服或床单也可导致感染的蔓延。Infection may also spread through contact with the soiled clothing or bed linens from a patient with Ebola.