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几只蚊子发出咻咻的尖声。A few mosquitoes are pinging shrilly.

然后他下降,他尖声大叫一次。And then as he dropped, he screamed once shrilly.

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图书管理员把头往后面一仰,尖着嗓子哈哈大笑。The librarian threw back his head and laughed shrilly.

一只松鸦从一棵正在狂舞的雪松高处尖声地责备着我。A jay scolds me shrilly from high within the wildly whipping branches of a cedar.

工夫不大,他拿了一束点着的干柴跑出来,把它扔在黑暗里,同时吹起了尖声的口哨。An instant after he issued with a lighted fagot, which he threw into the darkness, whistling shrilly.

如今形式发生了逆转,霍华德曾经的政治联盟们开始就重新出现的船民对陆克文进行了严厉的指责。Now in opposition, Mr Howard's old political allies are shrilly blaming Mr Rudd for the boats' reappearance.

如今形式发生了逆转,霍华德曾经的政治联盟们开始就重新出现的船民对陆克文进行了严厉的指责。Now in opposition, Mr Howard’s old political allies are shrilly blaming Mr Rudd for the boats’ reappearance.

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在那么高的海拔,突然离你很近的地方有一条响尾蛇,高频地摇动着他的尾巴,发出了警告。At that high altitude, suddenly, very close to you was a rattler, shrilly rattling his tail, giving a warning.

他们打趣,大笑,显得非常自如,直到法庭上铃响为止。大家各就各位。They remained laughing and chatting together, all seemingly very much at home here, until a bell rang shrilly and everyone went to his place.

仅仅是4个月前,中国官员和军队领导人尖锐的反对华盛顿派遣船舰进入黄海进行较早的军事演习。Only four months ago, Chinese officials and military officers shrilly warned Washington against sending a carrier into the Yellow Sea for an earlier set of exercises.

他的游击性的装备,包括慢跑服,华丽的风格烫发,扩音器和尖声放大的口头禅“没有正义,没有和平。”The accoutrements of his guerrilla resistance included the jogging suit, the lavishly styled perm, the bullhorn and the shrilly amplified mantra "No justice, no peace."