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他们到伯尔尼去履行一项任务。They went to Bern on a mission.

伯尔尼常被称作“熊之城”。Bern is sometimes called ‘The City Of Bears’.

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你新来乍到,对伯尔尼情况也不太熟悉。You're a new arrival, not too familiar with bern.

1902年他到伯恩当上了专利局的鉴定员。In 1902 he went to work as a patent office examiner in Bern.

新伯尔尼是在闹鬼,是她留下的记忆在闹鬼。New Bern was haunted now. Haunted by the ghost of her memory.

在这一时期,苏黎世、伯尔尼和卢塞恩轮流主持会议。In this period zurich bern and lucerne took it in turns to summon the meeting.

位于瑞士的伯恩排名第九。拥有12万8千人的城市已经是瑞士第五大人口重镇。With a population of around 128,000, Bern is Switzerland's fifth most in habited city.

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比如说,在我的梦中我在罗马,又见到这所房子,意识到我在波恩已见过它了。For example, in my dream I`m in Rome, see the house, and realize I`ve seen it already in Bern.

他们有时可能也会怀疑自己,但他们并不显露出来,管理顾问葆拉·伯恩说。They may sometimes doubt themselves, but they don't show it, says management consultant Paula Bern.

茶点时间,主持人将与全场最年轻的女孩跳一曲华尔兹作为舞会的开场。During coffee, host Bern will open the ball by dancing a Strauss waltz with the youngest girl present.

茨温利积极扩大改革瑞士其他城市,如巴塞尔,圣加仑,和伯尔尼。Zwingli was active in extending the reform to other Swiss cities, such as Basel, Sankt Gallen, and Bern.

拉里·科顿是一名退休的电动工具工程师、音乐家和兼职数学老师,他恰好在北卡罗来纳州的新伯恩有一点可供自己安排的额外时间。musician. and part-time math teacher who just happens to have a bit of extra time on his hands in New Bern.

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因特拉肯几乎正对着少女山,山顶的少女峰是伯恩高原最迷人的景观,因为她是欧洲海拔最高的山峰。Jungfrau Mountain is the most charming scene in Bern Platean just because it's the highest mountain in Europe.

外交部长李肇星2日在伯尔尼会见了瑞士联邦主席洛伊恩贝格尔。On February 2, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met with Swiss Confederation President Moritz Leuenberger in Bern.

伯尔尼-队长沃热尔率领瑞士队在世界杯附加赛中主场2-0击败了土耳其队。BERN – Captain Vogel's Swiss national side defeated Turkey 2-0 in the first leg of a World Cup qualifying match.

当谈到生活质量水平,苏黎世、日内瓦和伯尔尼这些城市有好几年都是占据国际理想生活城市的前列。When it comes to quality of living, Zurich, Geneva and Bern have for years occupied top slots in international rankings.

此外瑞士三座城市--日内瓦、巴塞尔和伯尔尼,以及德国三座城市--杜塞尔多夫、波恩和慕尼黑,亦位居前十名。They placed three Swiss cities -- Geneva, Basel and Bern -- and three German cities -- Dusseldorf, Bonn and Munich -- in their top ten.

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他说联合国这次在伯尔尼的会议必须要找到应对全球加剧的贫穷、饥饿和动荡问题的解决方案。He says the U.N.-sponsored meeting in Bern must find solutions to a problem that is increasing poverty, hunger and instability in the world.

他说联合国这次在伯尔尼的会议必须要找到应对全球加剧的贫穷、饥饿和动荡问题的解决方案。He says the U. N. -sponsored meeting in Bern must find solutions to a problem that is increasing poverty, hunger and instability in the word.

1913年至1916年间参加参谋培训深造。遂以上尉军衔驻于柏林-波恩联合防务办公室。Between 1913 and 1916 he carried out his General Staff training in order to transfer, as Captain , to the joint defense offices in Berlin and Bern.