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此时椎间的脊索细胞逐渐增多。Right now the notochord cell between vertebra is added gradually much.

在脊索组织不断迁移时,纤维环亦增大。When notochord organization is ceaseless and migratory, fiber annulus also increases.

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随着椎体内脊索的闭合,脊索细胞从椎体迁移到椎间隙。As the notochord inside centrum close, notochord cell from centrum migratory to vertebra clearance.

本文还介绍了非洲爪蟾脊索器官形成的计算机仿真方法。We also give the computer simulation method of notochord development in the African frog Xenopus Laevis.

此时脊索细胞消失,髓核逐渐成为一个软而细胞较少的纤维软骨。Right now notochord cell disappears, pith nucleus becomes a fiber cartilage with soft and less cell gradually.

此时脊索是直的,而且尾鳍的结构开始在脊索的腹侧边上形成。The notochord is straight and caudal fin structures are beginning to form on the ventral side of the notochord.

脊索周鞘本身仍在软骨源性椎体的中心区,称为粘液状条。Itself of notochord week scabbard still is in the center of centrum of cartilage source sex area, call mucous account.

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脊椎动物胚胎中胚层中的体节物质,沿脊索成对出现,后生长成肌肉或脊椎。A segmental mass of mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo, occurring in pairs along the notochord and developing into muscles and vertebrae.

本实验以不同发育时期的中华大蟾蜍胚胎为材料,对其在胚胎发育过程中脊索的决定及分化进行了系统的研究。The determination and differentiation of notochord in Bufo bufo gargarizans embryos in different developmental stage have been systematically studied.

此时,脊索组织由未进行软骨化细胞的致密部包绕,并由此而形成真正的纤维环。Right now, notochord organization is circled by the compact ministry package that did not have soft ossification cell, and from this and form true fiber link.

髓核的发育过程中,当脊索细胞消失后,髓核的生长主要靠纤维成分的增殖。In the development process of pith nucleus, after notochord cell disappears, the growth of pith nucleus basically relies on the hyperplasia of fiber composition.

蛞蝓鱼,类任一种体形较小的头索动物纲的扁平海洋动物,它们在结构上与脊椎动物类似,但只有一个脊索而没有真正的脊椎。Any of various small, flattened marine organisms of the subphylum Cephalochordata, structurally similar to the vertebrates but having a notochord rather than a true vertebral column.