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我并非生来就是一个性情温和的人。I was not born mild.

试试这种淡味咖喱。Try this mild curry.

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这是一种味淡的烟。This is a mild tobacco.

我只抽味道淡的雪茄。I only smoke mild cigars.

二尖瓣轻度反流。Mild mitral regurgitation.

他的话太软了。What he said was too mild.

她性情温和。She is mild in disposition.

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这种药药性平和。This medicine is quite mild.

温和黑色卡文迪什融合。A mild Black Cavendish blend.

悲伤的日子里需要兴平气和。In the day of grief, be mild.

那个病人有些轻微的发烧。The patient has a mild fever.

"快乐"一词还不足以表达我的心情,我是乐不可支,飘飘欲仙。"Enjoyed" is too mild a word.

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他爱好抽淡味雪茄烟。He likes to smoke mild cigars.

咖啡和茶都是平和的兴奋剂。Coffee and tea are mild uppers.

相反,选择用温和的清洁用品。Instead, choose mild cleansers.

溶入了她柔波似的心胸!Into her bosom like a mild wave!

她给我们讲了一个凄婉的故事。She told us a sad and mild story.

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感冒所导致的疲惫感较轻。Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.

使用后用温热的洗洁精清洗。Use mild detergent to wash after use.

我们有低度酒和高度酒。We have mild wines and strong liquors.