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再说他还是你的救命恩人。After all he was your savior.

他们都需要一个救助者,一个救世主。They all needed a rescuer, a savior.

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救世主也总是一再受难。The savior is also recurrently crucified.

这是好的、在神我们救主面前可蒙悦纳。This is good, and pleases God our Savior.

拯救我的主阿,求你快快帮助我。Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior.

这就是我和我的救命恩人之间的故事。This is the story between me and my savior.

我如今从罪中回头,接受祢做我生命的救主。I turn from my sin and receive you as Savior.

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他不仅是我的宠物狗,也是我的救命恩人。He is not only my pet dog, but also my savior.

问题是,我是否接受耶稣基督作为我个人的救主?Do I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior?

人们执迷于救世主的概念。People are obsessed with the concept of savior.

如果她需要救助,她就会设想一个救助者。If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior.

你不要觉得我烦,毕竟我是你的救命恩人。Do not think i bother, after all, i am your savior.

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中国投资底特律到底是拯救还是威胁?Is Chinese investment Detroit's savior or a threat?

幸存者们感到有必要把他们的救世主找出来。Survivors of it feel compelled to search out a savior.

不过,这样的苹果会是个救世主还是撒旦?But will the apple be offered by a savior or a serpent?

仙人掌是行走在茫茫沙漠中行者的救命恩人。Cactus is a walking entrants in the vast desert savior.

我已经遇到了救主,我不贪求什么。I had met the Savior and nothing was getting between us.

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起先他是我的救命恩人---我当时靠偷东西吃活命。He was my savior at first—I was stealing food to survive.

但数字放映也不一定是救星。But digital screeners won't necessarily be a savior either.

神啊,我的生命需要主耶稣,我需要主耶稣作我的拯救者。God, I need Jesus in my life. I need Jesus to be my Savior.