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最好的示例是使用声纹来认证。The best example is using a voiceprint for authentication.

我们利用声模认出了凶手。We have succeeded in identifying the murderer by using a voiceprint.

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声纹识别是语音识别的一种,根据测试语音来辨别说话者的身份。A voiceprint recognition system without any reference to text, language and sex is described.

指出了声纹识别技术的应用范围和前景。Finally, the future and range of the application on the voiceprint identification are discussed.

从说话人的语音信号中提取说话人的个性特征是声纹识别的关键。Extracting individual traits of the speakers from their voices is the key of voiceprint recognition.

以后当他呼叫此应用时,他的声音与文件中的声音纹进行比较。Then, when calling the application at a later time, his voice is compared with the voiceprint on file.

声纹是指用电声学仪器显示的携带言语信息的声波频谱。Voiceprint points to a frequency chart of taking the speech information by the show of an electric voice instrument.

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技术已经使得通过声波纹或眼睛虹膜来确定一个人的身份成为可能。Technology has made it possible to confirm a person's identity through a voiceprint or by scanning the iris of the eye.

说话人识别,也称为声纹识别,是一种利用测试语音对说话人进行身份识别的认证技术。Speaker recognition, also known as voiceprint recognition, is a kind of technology using test voice to identify who the speaker is.

声纹认证技术可用在电子商务、身份稽查、司法、公安、加密口令、家用电器等很多领域。Voiceprint recognition technology can be used on the fields of thee-commerce, identity check, administration of justice, public security, encrypt passwords, household appliances, etc.

声纹是生物特征的一种,对于人体来说,声纹是长期稳定的特征信号,通过声纹鉴别技术可以区分不同个体。Voiceprint which is a steady signal for every person in long time is one kind of biologic characteristics. Different people can be distinguished by the voice identification technology.

充分发挥声纹鉴定技术在刑案侦查中的作用将提高相关案件的破案效率,发掘新的破案资源,也必将推动、促进刑侦信息化进程。If we adequately exert the function of voiceprint technology, it would increase the ratio of cracking criminal cases and find out new resource to facilitate the process of information detection.