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谁被称为“铁血宰相”?Who was known as Iron chancellor?

西德总理赫尔穆特·施密特。Chancellor helmut schmidt of west germany.

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阿尔弗雷德·古森鲍尔是奥地利联邦的总理Alfred Gusenbauer is the Federal Chancellor of Austria.

德国总理监管欧洲最大的经济体。Chancellor of Germany oversees Europe's largest economy.

作为财政大臣,戈登·布朗缔造了好时光。Gordon Brown presided over the good times as Chancellor.

德国总理梅克尔恭贺说German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent words of congratulations.

年老的国王授予这位年轻宰相的权力太小了。The old king reposed too little power in the young chancellor.

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温总理应邀赴柏林与默克尔总理会晤。At invitation, Premier Wen met with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin.

把财政大臣搞成这样的是那些政客们。It is the politics that could yet leave the chancellor in a jam.

温杜安排了一队绝地大师去捉拿议长。Windu arranged a group of Jedi Masters to arrest the Chancellor.

照片中,德国总理安吉拉·默克尔和梅德维杰夫互相敬酒干杯。Here, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Medvedev share a toast.

大法官推荐高等法官和巡回法官。The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges.

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于是在恐慌中,你投靠了那个最高元首--亚当苏特勒。And in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler.

最近,这位前财政部大臣推出了自己的回忆录,书名题为“绝境逢生”。Now the former chancellor of the exchequer has published his memoirs.

布里尔说,温加滕确实告诉过他,她愿意担任教育局长一职。Brill says Weingarten actually told him she'd take the chancellor job.

英国财政大臣对英国银行业高管的奖金强征附加税。Britain's chancellor imposed a supertax on bankers' bonuses in Britain.

在他们温和的态度下,迪萨抬眼看着大臣。Disa raised her eyes from their modest state to look at the Chancellor.

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另外,财政大臣达林也榜上有名。Nightmares of Chancellor Alistair Darling were also at the top of the list.

正如德国总理安格拉·默克尔所说,德国在“多元文化主义”方面的努力已经失败了。As Chancellor Angela Merkel noted, Germany has failed at "multi-culturalism."

德国总理安吉拉·默克尔决定送一个古董啤酒杯。German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided the answer was an antique beer stein.