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她认为是密苏里州。She thinks its Missouri.

奥巴马于周一晚些时侯赶向密苏里州。Later Monday he is heading to Missouri.

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龙卷风在密苏里平原肆虐横行。A tornado rips across the Missouri Plains.

四年后,德瑞德.斯科特回到了密苏里州。After four years, he was returned to Missouri.

可是我必须越过密苏里河,远走他乡。Away, I'm bound to go 'Cross the wide Missouri.

我在密西根州,密苏里州,堪萨斯州呆过。I was in units in Michigan, Missouri and Kansas.

多岁时他在密苏里州的锡代利亚地区定居。In his twenties he settled in Sedalia, Missouri.

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美国密苏苏里州遭致命龙卷风袭击,122人死亡。US deadliest tornado kills 122 people in Missouri.

昨天在密苏里河流域发现了一具尸体。A corpse was found yesterday in the Missouri basin.

他有一个名字叫做苏珊的堂姐,搬到了密苏里。He had a cousin named Susan, who moved to Missouri.

Brenda来自Missouri,是一位母亲,也是特殊教育教师。Brenda is a mom and a special-ed teacher from Missouri.

在密苏里州圣路易斯市,有一家大型公司。There was a big company located in St. Louis, Missouri.

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彼得歌德先生成长于新泽西州和密苏里州的圣路易斯市。Mr. Bidgood grew up in New Jersey and St. Louis, Missouri.

埃德温·鲍威尔·哈勃于1889年生于密苏里州马什菲尔德。Edwin Powell Hubble was born in 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri.

最后一张,是一条密苏里河钓上的蒙大拿褐鳟。Missouri River, Montana brown trout. Photo by Jamie Benedict.

密苏里的人们又一次越过边境到了堪萨斯。Once again, men from Missouri crossed the border into Kansas.

你是什么类型的人?朴实的密苏里州正派人。What type are you? Corn-fed , salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy.

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鲍勃·梅斯特莱尔和双胞胎兄弟比尔在密苏里州长大。Bob Meistrell grew up in Missouri with his identical twin Bill.

美国内布拉斯加州东部一城市,位于密苏里河与衣阿华州接壤左近。A city of eastern Nebraska on the Missouri River and the Iowa border.

仪式过后,我飞到密苏里州与迪克·格普哈特一起进行竞选宣传。After the ceremony I flew to Missouri to campaign with Dick Gephardt.