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以椭圆流速分布公式出发,建立了抛石位移计算公式。Formulas of the displacement of riprap are derived from the elliptic velocity formula.

在抛石层中进行防渗止水,一直是工程技术人员面临的一个难题。Anti-seepage treatment in riprap layer has always been a hard problem to engineers and technicians.

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经过验算,冲深与抛石稳定性的计算与实际工程的结果较为一致。A formula reflecting the stabilization of riprap in a closure work and of groyne head apron is thus deduced.

经过验算,冲深与抛石稳定性的计算与实际工程的结果较为一致。The calculation results of scour depth and stabilization of riprap are consistent with the actual situation.

主要用于水下地形测绘和明渠下游合金网石兜抛投的动态导航定位。The system is mainly used in underwater topographical surveying and dynamic positioning of underwater riprap.

抛石护岸历史悠久,在长江中下游及国内外各大河流中应用较为普遍。Riprap protection of bank was applied in the middle and lower Yangtze River and many other rivers at home and abroad.

抛石护岸工程效果与其粒径、覆盖率及石方量等有关。Effect of riprap protection is related to the diameter, percentage of coverage and cubic meter quantity of block stones.

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以青岛某工程为例,介绍水抛石装船工艺比较设计。Taking a project in Qingdao as an example, this paper introduces the design of process comparison in water riprap shipment.

抛石海堤在海岸堤坝工程中十分常见,而对存在淤泥的地质进行填筑时常使用爆破挤淤法对基底进行地基处理。Riprap embankment is one of general coastal projects, and explosive compaction is used in foundation treatment of soft soils.

分析了用土工编织袋代替石方进行抛坝促淤的施工工艺及经济效益。The paper analyzes construction technology and economic benefit by using woven fabric bags in stead of riprap to build dikes.

文章提出水下抛石护岸施工组织措施和质量控制途径,并给出实例。Construction measures and quality control methods of underwater riprap protection of bank are provided, and a practical example is given.

对河床采取抛石防护措施,解决海漫段末端最大水流速大于河床抗冲流速的问题。Riprap protection at the end of the apron extension can solve the problem that water velocity exceeds the resisting flow velocity of riverbed.

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护滩、保岸、促淤工程的范围按照批准的设计文件确定。The area of riprap protection, protective revetments and silt arrester projects shall be defined in accordance with the approved design documents.

后山不过是个虚山,山径乱石野草,崎岖难行。The back mountain is only a barren one, whose pathway is full of stone riprap and overgrown with weeds, rugged and rough, difficult to walk by foot.

由于弯道水流结构与直段水流结构有着很大的差别,所以弯道抛石落距也有别于直段的抛石落距。Because the flow structure in bend is very different from that in straight channel so that their falling distances of rock riprap are also different.

由于爆破法的效果难以准确控制,使得地基可能存在未排出淤泥层,对堤坝的稳定性产生很大影响。Because of uncontrollability of explosive results, residual mud zone in embankment bottom would have negative impacts to stability of riprap embankment.

实践证明,上述几项关键技术的合理运用,能够有效解决在抛石堤上施工防渗墙的技术难题。Practice has proved that the rational use of several key technologies can effectively solve the technical problems of riprap embankment in the cut-off wall construction.

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他为山顶上那些中世纪的城堡而欢呼雀跃。放眼望去,离那座山几里远的地方有一块空地,在山谷的乱石丛中生长着一小片橄榄林。He is cheering for the castle that made by mediaeval on the mountaintop. scan widely, over the mountain there is an area & a small olive wood appear in the valley & the riprap.

水下抛石护岸加固是治理江河崩岸的一种常用、易行且有效的防护措施,而将此技术应用于水面以上岸坡防护在国内却是鲜有报道,也无经验可循。Bank protection by dumped riprap under water is an easy and effective way to prevent bank collapse, but in China, bank protection above water by this method is rare and lack of experience.

文章以试验为基础,对块石近区的流态进行了定性描述,探讨抛石护岸岸脚淘刷的机理。In this paper, based on the fixed bed experiment, the flow regime near the riprap is described qualitatively, and the mechanism that the bank base of dumped riprap is brushed is discussed.