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社交舞会是每个女孩子向往的。A debutante ball is all a girl could ask for.

“我本该告诉你,”少女回答道,“巧克力吃多了会腐蚀牙齿。”"I get to HAs talked you, " replied the debutante.

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女孩不应该为初入社交舞会准备什么?What should girls NOT prepare for a debutante ball?

而她说,你的交际花只知道你需要什么。An' she says, "Your debutante just knows what you need".

因此在多数情况下,这些年轻的女子已经准备好要找一个丈夫了。Quite often though, a debutante was a young woman ready to look for a husband.

你在说什么?大家好,欢迎来到一年一度的,沙龙名媛社交舞会。What are you talking about?Hello and welcome to the annual dispensary cotillion And debutante ball.

这个词从上流女子舞会里借用过来的,因为在这种场合中,年轻女子正式介绍到社交圈会时,都称作“出柜”。The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women "came out" in being officially introduced to society.

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当你看够了兵马俑,陈腐的宫殿,阴森森的帝王墓,那么就来感受一下上海少女般的迷人魅力吧。When you have had your fill of Terracotta Warriors, musty palaces and gloomy imperial tombs, submit to Shanghai's debutante charms.

杰奎琳被授予1947-1948季度“年度社交新秀”称号,但是在社交界的成功没有阻止她继续学业。Jacqueline was dubbed "the Debutante of the Year" for the 1947-1948 season, but her social success did not keep her from continuing her education.

虽然视频分享网站还没能实现盈利,但优酷网却是去年第四季度上市公司中最抢眼的新秀。was the hottest debutante among companies going public during last year's fourth quarter and the video-sharing site isn't close to turning a profit.

如果一个参与者被允许在舞会中露面,她的舞伴将由委员会的另外一位女士为她选出。If a debutante was permitted to make her "coming out" appearance at an Almack's ball, her dancing partners were chosen for her by one of the Ladies of the committee.

出生于日本京都的高木纱惠子,毕业于京都艺术城市大学美术系.2005年曾获得日本年度艺术新人奖。Saeko Tagagi was born in 1980 and graduated from Fine Arts Department, Kyoto City University of Arts in 2002. In 2005, she got "The Best Debutante of the Year" award for young artist.

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在美国纽约著名的华道夫˙阿斯托利亚饭店正举行第52届国际初见舞会,第一次参与社交舞会的女孩在迎宾列队上即兴演出踢跶舞。Debutantes break into an impromptu kick-line dance during the reception line ceremony at New York's famed Waldorf Astoria Hotel during the 52nd International Debutante Ball December 29, 2006.