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那是她的短衫。That's her blouse.

她穿着一件短衫。She is in a blouse.

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这是她的短衫。This is her blouse.

这是谁的衬衫?Whose is that blouse?

她将她的连衣裙扣好。She buttoned up her blouse.

这件女衫是丝绸做的。This blouse is made of silk.

这件蓝色的衬衫多少钱?How much is this blue blouse?

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这件女上衣她穿正合适。The blouse fitted her nicely.

她穿一件打褶的白短上衣。This is a well-tailored blouse.

这件罩衫剪裁得很合身。This is a well-tailored blouse.

她穿著一件白色蝉翼纱上衣。She wore a white organdy blouse.

这件短衫不耐洗。This blouse didn't stand washing.

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那件布罩衫,他是从什么地方得来的呢?Where had he obtained that blouse?

你必须干洗那件短上衣。You have to dry-clean that blouse.

我可以试穿这件运动衣吗?。Can I try on this sport suit blouse?

我需要一条裙子来配这件衬衣。I need a skirt to go with my blouse.

她将餐巾塞入下额。She tucked her scarf into her Blouse.

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她穿了一件薄得透明的丝绸衬衣。She dressed a transparent silk blouse.

她穿一件粉白色的上衣。She 's wearing a pink and white blouse.

她把罩衫浸入热水中。She dipped the blouse into the hot water.