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它由锻铁制成。It was made of wrought iron.

这些大门是用熟铁制成的。The gates were made of wrought iron.

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他在我身上作的,是一件美事。for she hath wrought a good work upon me.

这么说,严霜并没有损害庄稼。So the Frost wrought no havoc with the crop.

雕刻出如此巨大的立石?That they wrought standing stones of such size.

锻铁块准备作进一步加工的熟铁。A mass of wrought iron ready for further working.

之后,秤子们会发现这些变化都是好的。Later we see the changes wrought were for the best.

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即使挂着保险带你也会心颤肉跳。Even if we have safe belt will still feel wrought up.

都会变,或因你而变。——这样,微妙的爱。Be changed, or change for thee, —and love, so wrought.

激起这魔术般变化的,就光是慿那几首诗麽?And was it the poems alone which wrought the magic change?

铁匠铺,锻造车间将生铁锻造成熟铁的工场或车间。A workshop where pig iron is transformed into wrought iron.

就好像某神灵下凡,一夜之间带来了这些变化。As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight.

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去年秋天造成了无以言宣的破坏和毁灭。Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn.

当你想到维多利亚优雅,锻铁想到的。When you think of Victorian elegance, wrought iron comes to mind.

铁艺家具和饰品,已经走进了千家万户。Wrought iron furniture and adorn article, had entered the country.

佛山市南海御龙建材有限公司专心致力于锻造艺术的改革和创新。Ltd. devotes to the reform and innovation of the wrought iron work.

乙炔管道推荐使用钢和熟铁。Steel and wrought iron are recommended for use in acetylene piping.

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不大的教堂墓地周边围着一圈生锈的熟铁栅栏。The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought -iron fence.

锻造合金具有良好的可锻性,在压力下会变形。Wrought alloys possess good forgeability , it gives way to pressure.

德奇几乎花了一个世纪才消除曼达洛人制造的创伤。It took nearly a century to undo the damage the Mandalorians wrought.