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是那彼岸花吗?The equinox flower?

这就是所谓的春分点。This is the Spring Equinox.

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春分时太阳在赤道上。Equinox means sun is over the equator.

关于彼岸花,有这样一个传说。On the equinox flower, there's a legend.

中秋节来临时正好在“秋分”前后。Mid-Autumn Day falls during the autumn equinox.

彼岸花从此之后开在忘川河旁。Equinox flower after opening in the lethe river.

春分过后两周即是清明节。The festival occurs two weeks after vernal equinox.

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秋分种麦最相宜。The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing.

对,因为我们会过春分节,放一天假。Yeah, we celebrate the Vernal Equinox and have a day off.

另外,基督教的“春分”通常是3月21日。The ecclesiastical "vernal equinox" is always on March 21.

为什么是春分后一天太阳正好从东方升起?Why was the rising Sun due east one day after the equinox?

而这一天也是距秋分日近的不能再近的一天。And you can't get any closer to the September equinox than this.

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时序刚刚过了秋分,就觉得突然增加了一些凉意。The weather suddenly grew chilly just after the autumnal equinox.

在春分和秋分点上,太阳在中午直射在地球的赤道的头顶上。At the equator, the sun is directly overhead at noon on either equinox.

根据天文学,中秋节是秋分之时。According to astronomy, the Mid Autumn Festival occurs at the autumn equinox.

它是在春天中期,通常在每年的三月二十或者二十一号。Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox is the fourth solar terms in the total twenty-four.

彼岸花,开彼岸,花开不见叶,有叶未见花。Equinox flower, open on the other side, flowers do not see leaves, leaves no flowers.

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复活节发生在过了春分月圆后的第一个星期日,原是纪念耶稣复活的日子。Easter Day occurs on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox.

为了在Equinox和Felix里面使用这一服务,我们需要放一些样板代码进去。In order to use this inside Equinox and Felix, we need to put in some boilerplate code.

艾诺斯燃料电池汽车所用的发动机是使用氢气生产电能的。The Equinox Fuel Cell is powered by an engine that uses hydrogen to produce electricity.