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这个想法使我困扰。The thought came to assail me.

但如果敌人侵犯我们的海岸。But, should foes assail our coast.

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政府不会攻击你们。The Government will not assail you.

敌人可能明天就攻击我们的防守据点。The enemy may assail our defense positions tomorrow.

疑惑和恐惧的确困扰过意志最坚强的人。Then doubts and fears did assail the very strongest.

到公元前约1000年,埃及遭受到蜂拥而来的入侵者的掠夺。By 1000 BC waves of invaders began to assail the land.

请问莎士比亚是要用音乐去袭击女人吗?Shakespeare Cymbeline I have assail 'd her with musics.

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但是,走出了村子,充满恶臭无比的垃圾,期待有一天资源回收。Nonetheless, as soon as one walks out of the village, the stench of garbage begins to assail the nostrils.

虽然掘金球迷冲着科比乱喊的声音远高于他在丹佛的“待遇”,湖人球迷还是认为那实在有些不入流。When Nuggets fans assail Kobe Bryant a lot louder than that in Denver, Lakers fans will think that's low-class.

由于其电子是不成对的,所以自由基的反应能力特别强,可以攻击生物膜和组织的脂质、蛋白质。The reactive ability of free radical is so strong that it can assail to lipid, protein of biomembrane and tissue.

因为烤肉味道香气扑鼻、食之有味,成为许多人聚会的首选。Because the aroma of barbecue flavor assail the nostrils , food Youwei's become the party of choice for many people.

不过,时不时会有一名灰心丧气的工人抨击他的助手,就其工作的某方面进行诽谤。But now and then, a frustrated worker will assail his assistant by casting aspersions on some aspect of the other’s work.

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我们觉得如此的自由和举起以致于每日生活的悲惨和攻击我们的困难立即地被忘记。We feel so free and uplifted that the miseries of daily life and the difficulties that assail us are instantly forgotten.

John派出他全部手下去搜寻他儿子下落,但是只查到他的对手在中国正召集人对付他。John dispatches his whole gang to ferret out his son's whereabouts, only to find out that his rivals are redeploying people in China to assail him.

这次会面发生于乔布斯的会议上,盖茨一到那儿,就发现那里围了十个苹果员工,全都迫切希望看到自己的老板是怎样教训盖茨的。Their meeting was in Jobs's conference room, where Gates found himself surrounded by ten Apple employees who were eager to watch their boss assail him.

尽管评论人士会指责谷歌公司忽视了自己之前发出的威胁,谷歌还是最终做出了将为中国人有利的一个聪明决定。Although critics will likely assail the firm for ignoring its previous threats, it made a smart decision that will ultimately benefit the Chinese people.

他们在乔布斯的会议室会面,盖茨发现自己被10个苹果雇员围观,他们迫不及待地等着看他们的老板抨击他。“They met in Jobs’s conference room, where Gates found himself surrounded by ten Apple employees who were eager to watch their boss assail him, ” Isaacson writes.

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虽然在孤立无援时,我们会忍受,但是只要美国还存在不平等,千百万美国人的抗议呼声决不会停止撞击他们同胞的耳鼓。Through helplessness we may submit, but the voice of protest of ten million Americans must never cease to assail the ears of their fellows, so long as America is unjust.

自从那个美妙的白沙克月的清晨,我在和风丽日、新叶鲜花中醒来,发现自己踏入了27岁,这些想法就一直困扰着我。Such are the thoughts which assail me since one fine Bysakh morning I awoke amidst fresh breeze and light, new leaf and flower, to find that I had stepped into my twenty-seventh year.

Perry令人瞠目的上升势头是否会持续依然是给未知数,这部分由于知道这周的辩论,他还没有参加任何一次,以至于他的对手们还没有机会攻击他。Whether his giddy ascent will last has been hard to say, in part because his opponents had not had a chance to assail him directly until this week’s debate, the first Mr Perry has participated in.