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法官应该公平无私。A judge should be disinterested.

她对政治不感兴趣。She disinterested herself in politics.

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有同情心而且无私的人民团体。Compassionate and disinterested groups of people.

一个裁判员必须公正无私而且具有敏锐的洞察力。An umpire must be an entirely disinterested but keen observer.

我们需要两个公正的团体来查证这些文件。Two disinterested parties are needed to verify these documents for us.

愿我不自私自利,而是公正无私。May I not be selfish and self-possessive, but selfless and disinterested.

方图表坛城,蓝、绿色表悲智双运。The two colors, blue and green, mean disinterested wisdom and compassion.

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世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well wisher.

世界在痛痒无关的专暴中为它的好心者而遭受最大的痛苦。The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well-wisher.

她们的友情甚至到了可供驱使的地步,但从来也到不了无私的程度。Their friendship may verge on the servile, but it is never disinterested.

和喜欢的人在一起时身体后倾——无聊和冷漠的象征。Leaning Away From Someone You Like – a sign of being bored and disinterested.

罗马尼亚政府和人民感谢中国对罗马尼亚的无私援助。The Romanian government and people thank for China's disinterested assistance.

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由于有一个无私的伙伴,他们更倾向于占有其他的女人。They're more inclined to get involved with other women due to a disinterested partner.

是否曾经去过一次面试,在5分钟之内就对这份工作没了兴趣呢?Ever go on an interview and become disinterested in the job 5 minutes into your meeting?

感谢中国长期以来给予津巴布韦的大力支持和无私帮助。He thanked China for its long-term support of and disinterested assistance for Zimbabwe.

我已经错过许多生日聚会和婚礼,因为我感到厌倦和无趣。I’ve skipped a lot of birthdays and wedding socials because I’m tired and disinterested.

我同意你的看法,你发现雇人单位对你不感兴趣,我也觉得很吃惊。So I agree with you, and I am surprised you have found recruiters to be so disinterested.

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那名球证对自己执法的一场赛事很感兴趣,但他仍然保持中立。The referee was interested in the match he was in charge of but he remained disinterested.

几政府和人民感谢中方多年来给予几的无私慷慨帮助。The Guinean government and people thank for China's years of disinterested and generous assistance.

在训诫无私的纯真的时候它的脖子却为了短裙而执意扭曲。It will lecture on disinterested purity while its neck is being remorselessly twisted toward a skirt.