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啊,这是家长作风。Well this is paternalism.

是自由么?,是家长式作风。Is it freedom? Paternalism.

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而在海地,你会亲眼目睹到西方家长作风的丑陋面。If Haiti, you'll witness the the ugly side Western paternalism.

医疗家长主义来源于古希腊的希波克拉底传统。Medical paternalism comes from the Hippocratic tradition of ancient Greece.

如今已到了扬弃那种家长制的降格相求政策的时刻。The time has come to turn away from the condescending policies of paternalism.

我们对员工的宗旨和努力不应曲解为家长作风。Our commitment and dedication to people should never be misconstrued as paternalism.

所以我们能对此怎么办呢,你们会怎样解答关于家长作风,和爱的问题?So what can we do with this how would you resolve the question about paternalism and love?

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这是自由接受自由和限制,另一个人自由的家长式作风。It's free acceptance of freedom vs. paternalism which limits the freedom of the other person.

训政体制是国民党在1928—1948年间确立和实行的一种独特的政治制度。Paternalism System is a peculiar political system set up and carried out by KMT during1928-1948.

公平,其实比足协的强权和封建家长式的粗暴更重要。Fair, in fact, than the Football Association of paternalism Feudal power and gross more important.

我觉得我会说是的,但我们采用这种家长式作风的,扩展是有限度的。I think I would say yes, but there is a limit to the extend to which we can take that paternalism.

政府的家长作风在针对儿童的时候没有针对成年人时的问题那么大。Governmental paternalism when directed to children is less problematic than paternalism toward adults.

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以上就是关于公共产品的问题,以及自由论者对家长式立法的反对。That's all to do with the question of collective goods and the libertarians injunction against paternalism.

他以一定程度的家长式作风管理他的公司,对员工的雇用采取终身雇用制。He ruled his companies with a considerable degree of paternalism and offered his workers employment for life.

不过,早些年的社会平等在某种程度上让位给了一种过去常见的父权主义。Yet the social egalitarianism of the earlier era gave wayin part to a type of paternalism familiar from the past.

越来越多的医学理论认为这种行为是一种医疗家长作风,在现代医学中并不鼓励。Increasingly, medical ethics considers such actions to be medical paternalism and are discouraged in modern medicine.

爱米丽的悲剧根源在于美国南方文化传统的清教主义思想下的父权制度。The causes of Emily's tragedy lie in the paternalism and feminine morality of Puritanism governing the south of America.

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随之而引发对医患关系、资源分配、医患对话、自主、知情同意、家长主义等问题的大讨论。And consequently about the doctor-patient relationship, resource allocation, communication, autonomy, inform consent and paternalism.

还有,基于所有系统内的问题,科威特政府的混合系统看起来就是彻头彻尾地活脱脱次于附近国家的硬派家长作风。And still, for all its hiccups, Kuwait's hybrid system of government looks downright racy next to the crusty paternalism of the states nearby.

还有,基于所有系统内的问题,科威特政府的混合系统看起来就是彻头彻尾地活脱脱次于附近国家的硬派家长作风。And still, for all its hiccups, Kuwait’s hybrid system of government looks downright racy next to the crusty paternalism of the states nearby.