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你猜怎样着,吉莉?我两个拍卖都得标了。Guess what, Gilly ? I won both bids.

吉莉的儿子更大也更强壮。Gilly 's son is larger and more robust.

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坚决的不去关心,吉莉策画营救她自己。Determined not to care, Gilly engineers her own rescue.

吉莉现在同时给妲拉和她自己的儿子喂奶。Gilly is giving suck to Dalla's son as well as her own.

日利透气网舌系带系统提供了极好的适合性和舒适性。Gilly lacing system with breathable mesh tongue provides excellent fit and comfort.

莎莉和吉莉这对可爱的姐妹花,从小父母就因为这个诅咒双双过世。Sally and gilly the cute sister flowers, my parents just because the curse both died.

吉莉却热情奔放,凭借魔力与自己的吸引力整日玩爱情游戏。Gilly but enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, with magic and his appeal play love games all day.

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而吉莉也遇上了飘泊不逊的浪荡子杰米,远离家乡追求幸福。And gilly also met literally insolently of the dandy jamie, far from home, the pursuit of happiness.

既是妻子又是女儿。卡斯特娶了他所有的女儿。吉莉的男孩是他们结合的果实。Wife and daughter both. Craster married all his daughters. Gilly 's boy was the fruit of their union.

“黑城堡不需要没有用的嘴巴,”琼恩同意。“我准备把吉莉送上东海望的下一艘船,到南方去。”"Castle Black needs no useless mouths, " Jon agreed. "I am sending Gilly south on the next ship out of Eastwatch. "

菲被迫卷起了她的波斯地毯并叫斯图阿特钉上亚麻油地毯,这是她到吉利商店时即兴买下来的。Fee was forced to roll up Persian carpets AND have Stuart nail down linoleum she bought sight unseen from the store in gilly.

莽撞的吉莉认人不清,终日与杰米瞎混,终于也混出问题,弄出人命,逃回阿姨家。Rash man not clear, confess gilly all hang out with jamie, finally also mix a problem, make human life, to flee to aunt's house.

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当莎莉珊卓布拉克与吉莉妮可基曼在阿姨的大房子中渐渐长大她们幻想着爱情,希望能遇上美丽的爱情故事。When Sally Sandra bullock and gilly nicole base mann in a large house in aunt grew their fantasy of love, hope encounter beautiful love story.

环境保护组织世界野生动物基金称环境污染及石油天然气的钻取是破坏珊瑚海生态系统的其中的威胁因素。Gilly Llewellyn from the conservation organization WWF says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the Coral Sea's ecosystem.

来自世界野生动物基金保护组织的G.L。,表示石油和天然气泄漏造成的污染会破坏珊瑚海的生态系统。Gilly Llewellyn, from the conservation organization WWF, says pollution and and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the Coral Sea's ecosystem.

她记得这个牧场的人们曾经是怎样的亲密无间。她特别回忆起这座房子背后的钻石山每年举办的橡树果烧烤篝火晚会。Gilly remembers what a close-knit farming community this once was. She especially recalls the annual acorn roast with a bonfire every year on Diamond Hill behind the house.

一些世界中男高音,如卡鲁索、帕瓦洛蒂、吉里等正是融合了“靠前”派和“靠后”派不同的艺术特质,成为自然歌唱的光辉典范的。Some tenors in the world such as Caruta, Pawaroty, and Gilly set splendid examples for many to follow by integrating the different artistic properties in these two theories.

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这只叫佐伊的小袋鼠是这对情侣去年收养的,成为两个女儿5岁的布鲁克和4岁的霍莉之外的第3个"爱女"。Gilly Richardson and John Hughes adopted Zoe the kangaroo last year and she quickly became a beloved third daughter, alongside the couple's 2 children Brooke, 5, and Holly, 4.

“迪克西的性格,行为和小的怪癖一点都没有改变,”吉利德莱尼说,“它从门外回来还是会发出一阵阵的猫喘鸣。”"Dixie's personality, behaviour and little mannerisms have not changed at all, " said Gilly Delaney. "We don't think she has stopped purring since she came back through the door.