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将闪示卡拿在头上方。Hold the flashcard over your head.

将闪示卡拿在前面。Hold the flashcard in front of you.

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朱丽,为什么不自己做一张抽认卡呢?Zhu Li, why don't make a piece of flashcard?

这些将不会进行测试,在闪卡计划。These will not be tested in the flashcard program.

其中我最常用的是一种抽认卡系统。Of those, the one I use most often is a flashcard system.

使用抽认卡的第2步是使用你的卡片进行比较。Step 2 of flashcard use is to use your terms to make comparisons.

该闪卡工具,可用于多种方式来测试您的理解。The Flashcard tool can be used in multiple ways to test your understanding.

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喜亚当,我真的想有一个额外的功能,为闪卡测试。Hi Adam , I really would like to have an additional feature for the flashcard tests.

我不知道什么时候升级将欧,或新的闪存卡将出来。I am not sure about when the upgrade will be releashed , or the new flashcard will be releashed.

喜,便很大,如果闪卡是可用的对我的拥有,好像的版本。Hi , It would be great if the Flashcard was useable on my i Phone , it seems like the version of.

小朋友们把老师说出来的单词或短语用钓鱼杆把相应的图片钓起来。Fishing for flashcards use a fishing pole with a magnet and try to catch the flashcard called out by the teacher.

先进的记分卡翻转和烧录卡系统的研究产量最大增益与最小的痛苦,它的乐趣!The sophisticated ScoreCards flip- and flashcard study system yields maximum gain with minimum pain, and it's fun!

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2010年的人口普查,调查员们会携带着抽认卡,上面包括将近50种语言。Census takers will have a flashcard containing a sentence about the 2010 Census written in approximately 50 languages.

使用这个预览,用户是谁创造了一个闪卡教训可以先检查出版,供其他用户访问它的教训。Using this previewer, the user who created a flashcard lesson can check this lesson before publishing it for access by others.

在抽认卡片这一实验组中的参与者原来认为他们一天学习一小叠抽认卡片时,他们学到的词汇会更多。The participants in the flashcard experiment thought they learned most when they studied a small stack of flashcards all on one day.

玩法是把卡片当成烫手的土豆,一张张很快地传下去,边传边喊出那张卡片的单词,最后看哪个组完成得最快。The rule is to take the flashcard as a hot potato and pass it around very quickly while crying out the word, the quickest team will win.

在习题集5中,去年我和另一位老师一起带着数码相机在校园里闲逛,我们在校园里没有目的地乱拍,像一个傻瓜一样,我一不小心清空了,我的便携闪存卡。In problem set 5, last year I took a stroll around campus with one of the teaching fellows with his digital camera, we shot photographs of identifiable but non-obvious spots on campus and then like an idiot I always seem to erase my compact flashcard accidentally.