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然而,央行此举另有深意。However, the central bank this otherwise inwardness.

这应该是此次政策出台的应有深意。This should be the current policy was due inwardness.

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其背后的目的与深意也颇为值得玩味。Its underlying purposes and inwardness quite worth pondering.

因此,本届论坛选择在湖南举行具有一定深意。Therefore, this forum was held in Hunan choice of a certain inwardness.

内省是英国人与生俱来,不用费力培养就拥有的特质。Inwardness is what an Englishman quite simply has, painlessly, as a birthright.

它们同样规范日本内部的公司来抵制与其公司的合作。They also rue the inwardness of Japanese firms that resist co-operating with others.

用相关系数或编码所用函数本身的性质表征条码的纠错能力。Correction ability is showed with correlative coefficient or inwardness of functions used in encoding.

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他对这种异端邪说的持有,加剧了他的沉默,隐秘和性情的内倾。That he held this heresy was a further aggravation of his silence and secrecy and inwardness of disposition.

为了迷恋它的光蕴、灵性、斑驳、忽略时间、忽略一切!In order to indulge with its light, inwardness and variegation, one maybe neglect times, even all over the world!

特别是在阅读与灵性受到如此强大的挑战之时,文学就是自由。Especially in a time in which the values of reading and inwardness are so strenuously challenged, literature is freedom.

与定性研究相比,定量研究更能清晰准确地描述事物的特征,认识事物的内在规律。Comparing with qualitative research, quantitative research can describe the characteristic of things more clearly and exactly and understand the inwardness of things.

图像能使人们很容易的理解和分享,另一方面,使用低成本的语言,可以让人们的交流变得更有深度。Images can be easily understudied and shared to others, in another way, using languages, lower cost, and make people communicating become inwardness and constitutionally.

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鉴于瓦雷里没有认识到事实的本质,而其站在一个远离当时政治的立场上来评价歌德,所以,他似乎十分认同安德烈·纪德对歌德的评价——“最不合格的德国人”。Valery seems to follow Andre Gide, who had called Goethe " the most un-German of all Germans" because he did not retreat into inwardness and distance himself from politics.

师德不只是外在规范,更是教师师性与德性的契合而成的一种内在品性。Teacher's morality is not only a kind of extrinsic criterion, and it is much more a kind of inwardness been correspond with teacher's occupational characteristic and dharma.

它最为典型、最为明确地反映了文化与商业相结合、文化与世俗生活相结合,文化为商业服务、文化为世俗生活服务的性质。It most typically and clearly reflected the inwardness of integrating culture with commerce, linking culture with worldly life, making culture serve the commerce and worldly life.

在作家的早期戏剧创作中,既展示了人物心灵的动态发展过程,又通过潜台词等戏剧手段显现着人物在瞬间状态下的矛盾心态。From his early creativities, the playwright dynamically depicts the psychological inwardness. In addition, he uses the potential captions to express the mental contradiction of the characters.

本文主要阐述DLG产品生产过程中遇到的一些问题,以及如何编程实现原有矢量数据内在属性的自动转换。Some problem during the process of DLG production is mentioned in detail, the automatism transform of inwardness of raw vector data is introduced by programming. This program is running effectively.