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司法惯例只不过是“权威的惯例”罢了。A juridical precedent is nothing but "authenticated custom".

扣船制度是解决海事争议的重要司法程序。The legal system of seizure of ships is an important juridical procedure.

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犹如希伯来文的Emet,这个术语地道是真理的术语,是公平正义的起源。Emet, the Hebrew term, is, like every term for truth, of juridical origin.

他的对象,不过,是要建立一个法律体系,从所有这些文件。His object, however, was to build up a juridical system from all these documents.

未来的发展趋势应是明确业主大会的独立法人地位。It is necessary to make clear the independent juridical person status of owners committee.

办务厅舍以行政办务空间与司法审讯空间为主,并以U字型之空间架构组织。Administrational and juridical rooms were the main spaces in it and were organized as U shape.

论述在我国建立司法评估制度的意义及内容。Discussing the significance and content about establishment of juridical assessment system in China.

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在比较这种思路的基础上对司法公正进行后者意义上的解读。This paper based on the comparison of the thoughts mainly analyzes the juridical justice of the latter one.

应该说,法官与法律的关系是以司法为视角进行法学研究时所应当关注的核心问题之一。The relationship between the judge and the law is one of key issues of jurisprudence from the juridical perspective.

德沃金的法律原则理论对我国的司法实践也具有一定的启示作用。In the frondose juridical practice, there are inspires of Dworkin's Theory of Legal Principle to our juridical judge.

公司按现代企业的模式组建,产权明晰,并将完善其法人治理结构。CASB is established in the light of modern enterprises and has clear ownership and perfect structure of juridical person.

“法官后语”是附设在裁判文书规范化格式之后的一段评述性文字。The "postscript by the judge" means a passage of commentary attached behind to the standard form of a juridical document.

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法务会计涉及学科领域广,以经济纠纷中的法律问题为重点。The juridical accounting involves a wide range of disciplines, and focuses on the juridical problems in economic disputes.

这对于我国青少年司法体系的建立和完善具有一定的借鉴意义。It has some referential meaning to the establishment and consummation of the Chinese juridical system for youth and juvenile.

将人民监督员制度引入到检察体系中是推进司法民主改革中的重要一步。The introduction of people supervisors into the procuratorates is an important part of reform to promote juridical democracy.

树立既判力制度可以减轻当事人的诉累,提高诉讼效益,实现程序安定,维护司法权威。Building system of "res judicata"can relieve the burden of prosecutor, keep stable procedure and maintain juridical authority.

表达权具有多种属性,是公民、法人和其他组织的基本权利。The right of expression has various attributes, such as fundamental right of citizen, juridical person and other organization.

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国家股、法人股、流通股的比例对信息披露质量的作用并不显著。Country-shares, juridical person-shares and floating stocks don't play an obvious role to the quality of information disclosure.

公司司法解散应既要保证股东的权利救济又要尽量避免公司解散的出现。Juridical corporation dissolution must guarantee the right-relief of shareholders as well as avoidance of corporation-dissolving.

改革后的青少年司法体系独立,特点鲜明,内容有针对性,既有一些专门的基本性法律,又有对基本法的具体落实和进一步阐释。The new juridical system for youth and juvenile after reform is independent, featured, and has some content central on the issue.