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他满脑子是点子。He is brimful of ideas.

他有一脑子新思想。He is brimful of new ideas.

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他热情洋溢。He is brimful of enthusiasm.

她的确精力充沛。She's certainly brimful of energy.

我们的新经理精力十分充沛。Our new manager is, brimful of 'energy.

小车空了,碗却装得满满的。The buggy is empty, the bowl is brimful.

的确如此,大枚金币盈满了罐口。And so it was, brimful of great gold coins.

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这时云雀满怀着喜悦和爱。Then the lark is so brimful of gladness and love.

年轻人总是充满新思想和希望。Young people are always brimful of new ideas and hope.

教室里都是等待考试学生。The classroom is brimful of students, waiting for the exam.

地面上好几处凹陷的地方都积满了雨水。Several sunken areas in the road are brimful with rainwater.

我摇摇头,感觉这仍然充溢着世俗的轻浮,丝毫没有哲学的味道。As I shake my head, it still feels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy.

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因为一个装满甜水的杯子绝对不可能溅出一滴苦水,不管它受到如何突然的摇晃。For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water however suddenly jolted.

假如你我不曾相遇,我不能深刻的体会孤独和忧伤,有着莫名的感动,激荡着热泪盈眶的心情入眠。If you and I meet never, I can deep experience lonely and sad, there is baffled emotion, fall asleep agitating the brimful of tears mood.

由于融雪和春雨汇聚沿日则沟奔流,再从一个又一个满溢的海子边宽宽的大瀑布倾泻而下,空中回响着流水的乐曲。The air rings with water music as snowmelt and spring rains sluice down the Rize Valley, tumbling in broad cataracts from one brimful lake to another.

汤姆满口答应,于是就把事情的来龙去脉说了一遍,虽然话很长,但大家却听得津津有味,没有一个人插话打断他的叙述。Tom said he could furnish it, and he did. The tale was long, but brimful of interest. There was scarcely an interruption from any one to break the charm of its flow.

“那当然!”斯内普说道。不顾自己的糟糕发型和滑稽衣服,以一种令人难忘的怪姿势四脚朝天躺在莉莉面前,脸上挂满对未来的自信。"Definitely, " said Snape, and even with his poorly cut hair and his odd clothes, he struck an oddly impressive figure sprawled in front of her, brimful of confidence in his destiny.