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某些情况下,幽灵不怀好意,作为恐吓和控制的形式对人进行性侵犯。In some cases, the poltergeist is malignant, sexually violating its victim as a form of terror or control.

作为逝者不安的灵魂,幽灵能被人们听见,感受到却看不见。The restless spirit of a deceased person, a poltergeist is a ghost that is heard and felt rather than seen.

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威廉•罗尔已经就吵闹鬼的现象进行了10年研究。Not according to William Roll, an individual who has conducted decades of research on poltergeist phenomena.

这喧闹鬼活动已经发生了一段时间了,但我没想到看到这麽多的活动,捕获的视频。This poltergeist activity has been occurring for a while now, but I wasn't expecting to see this much activity caught on video.

其他的故事还讲述了鬼怪的恶作剧,如房子里的东西被扔来扔去,及已故的人的东西神秘地移动。Other stories spoke of poltergeist effects such as objects being thrown around the house and objects of the dead person mysteriously moving.

罗尔主张吵闹鬼现象是由人们或现存媒介在某种程度的压力或焦虑下无意识引起的。Roll contends that poltergeist phenomena are unconsciously caused by an individual or living “agent” who is often under some degree of stress or anxiety.

村子里头据说至少有12只幽灵,其中包括一个拦路抢劫的强盗,一个幽灵修道士,一个只剩下躯体的被绞死的教师,还有一个在当地酒吧出没的促狭鬼。The village is said to have at least 12 spectres, including a highwayman, a phantom monk, the hanging body of a schoolmaster and a poltergeist in the local pub.

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据称,该村庄至少有12个“鬼”,其中包括一个路盗,一个幽灵修道士,一具校长的半悬尸体,以及一个在当地一家酒吧出没的吵闹鬼。The village is said to have at least 12 spectres , including a highwayman , a phantom monk, the hanging body of a schoolmaster and a poltergeist in the local pub.

在某个地方我吓到了,摸黑去抓前面暗恋的人的手,结果抓到了一个打扮成鬼的姑娘。At one point, I got scared and in the darkness, I tried to grab onto my crush who was walking a little ahead of me. What I thought was him was actually a girl dressed as a poltergeist.

即使39岁还有贷款在身,两个生病的孩子和洗衣房里漏水的水管,这部片子里的小丑“吵闹鬼”仍旧带给他恐惧之感。Even at the age of 39, with a mortgage, two sick kids and a leaking pipe in the laundry room, the clown in the movie Poltergeist still gives him the creeps. For the following three reasons he explains