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我是爱德温,我带你去旅馆。I'm Edwin. I'll show you to your hotel.

艾德温.H。阿姆斯特朗发明调频无线电。FM radio invented by Edwin H. Armstrong.

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这是对埃德温·贾维斯的致敬,他是托尼·斯塔克的男管家。This is a tribute to Edwin Jarvis, Tony Stark's butler.

艾德温怕安琪拉,但反过来说也对。Edwin is afraid of Angela, but the reverse is also true.

艾德文·巴兹·奥尔德林是登月舱驾驶员。Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin was pilot of the moon lander vehicle.

埃德温上大学时学的是理科。Edwin used to be a university student, majoring in science.

埃德温·鲍威尔·哈勃于1889年生于密苏里州马什菲尔德。Edwin Powell Hubble was born in 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri.

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最显著的证明是我母亲的大表哥爱德温。The most spectacular proof was my mother's first cousin Edwin.

埃德温正在抽烟,不知该如何回答。Edwin was just smoking a cigarette, not knowing how to respond.

艾德温?阿姆斯特朗开发接收机电路—超外差式收音机。Edwin armstrong develops a receiving circuit-the superheterodyne.

他的名字叫爱德华·贝利,他是一所大学的教授。His name was Edwin Baily , and he was a professor in a university.

三年级的杨怡然为他的宠物制作了短片。Edwin Yang, Grade 3 student, creates his photo story about his pet.

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刘先生自涉足航空界,至今已累积了三十多年的丰富经验。Edwin has over thirty years of experience in the aviation industry.

你觉得艾德温怕安琪拉,但情况正好相反。You think Edwin is afraid of Angela, but the exact reverse is the case.

队长阿尔弗雷德埃德温麦凯在1916年加入英国皇家飞行团。Captain Alfred Edwin McKay joined the British Royal Flying Corps in 1916.

埃德温·L·德雷克的合伙人1859年拒绝他钻孔找石油的建议。Associates of Edwin L. Drake refusing his suggestion to drill for oil in 1859.

但是我相信我们的每一个年轻门将都有能力作范德萨的替补。But I would have great belief in any of our young keepers to understudy Edwin.

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斯科尔斯、范德萨和内维尔都选择挂靴。Along with Scholes, Edwin van der Sar has followed Gary Neville into retirement.

陆军部长埃德温·M·斯坦顿命令将詹姆斯?范?米特释放。Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton ordered that James Van Metre should be released.

彼得尔被送到了华盛顿,在华盛顿他把情况向陆军部长埃德温。Bedell was sent to Washington. There he told his story to Secretary of War Edwin M.