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我们刚刚将魔女降服。We just exorcise the sorceress.

但是首先日本必须赶走昔日的心魔。But first Japan must exorcise the demons of its past.

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这个年度庆祝活动主要是为了祛疫逐邪。The annual ceremony is held to dispel diseases and exorcise evils.

把你的性生活条理好,可以很好地辟邪,也对你的精神健康有好处。Sort out your sex life – its good exorcise and it's very good for your mental health.

常春藤可以用来驱除那些我们希看驱逐或拒尽结合的人。Ivy may be used to exorcise that which we wish to banish or to unite like-minded people.

一个心里希望回到故乡地女人回到故乡去驱赶她心中地恶魔,同时发现了危险和爱。A woman who has psychic visions returns to her hometown to exorcise her demons, and finds both danger and love.

不过这个建筑的外观是我目前最欣赏的,有很多用来辟邪的怪兽装饰墙壁。But this building's outward appearance is my favourite. There were many building used to exorcise vell spirits.

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从前有种迷信说人可能会被魔附身,而神父可以籍祈祷驱魔。It WAS once believed that a man could have a devil in him, and that a priest could exorcise this devil by prayer.

然而此时,当地的团总以新磨坊为陪嫁,想把女儿许配给傩送。But this time, the local Youth Troupe with a new mill for the dowry, wanted to send his daughter betrothed to exorcise.

随着历史的演变和社会的发展,不同的地域,不同的民俗形成了各式各样,各具特色的傩面具的艺术。With the evolution of history and social development, different regions, formed a wide variety of exorcise demons masks.

这篇旧时的社论表达了对非洲“肺结核恶魔”和腹泻疾病的担忧,而直至现今,我们仍未根除这些疾病。The old editorial frets about the “demon of tuberculosis” and diarrheal diseases in Africa, conditions we have yet to exorcise.

这个小女人不知不觉地,出现在他白天挥之不去的幻想里,出现他在夜晚情欲燥热的梦境中,让他受尽折磨。She was the child-woman who, unknowingly, had tormented him with fantasies he could not exorcise by day, and with erotic fever-dreams by night.

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丘仔的死沉重的打击了索罗,以至于有一段时间,他离开家庭,到银河系最阴暗的角落驱赶内心的魔鬼。Chewie's death hit Han hard, and for a time, he turned his back on his family to exorcise his demons in some of the shadiest corners of the galaxy.

第一章旨在对钟馗形象进行溯源,把不同时期的钟馗形象的演变与傩祭相联系进行阐述。The paper will elaborate the evolution of ZhongKui figure in different periods, associated with exorcise sacrifice, and come into the theme at this analysis base.

出于对陶德的爱恋,也为了驱走他妻子的阴影,她成为了他的工作伙伴,将死者绞成肉酱做成肉饼,卖给无知大众。Desperate to be part of Todd's life and to exorcise his wife's ghost, she becomes his business associate, grinding victims into meat pies and selling them to an unsuspecting public.

开发赣傩文化资源能够在丰富江西乡村旅游产品的同时促进赣傩文化资源的系统化整理和保护。The development of exorcise cultural resources will enrich the rural tourism products of Jiangxi while promoting the systematic collation and protection of exorcise cultural resources.

有着阿尔卑斯山脉世外桃源之称的奥柏萨尔斯堡山曾是阿道夫·希特勒私人别墅的所在地,现在一座豪华的温泉饭店已在那里拔地而起。Rising out of the mist amid some of the most sublime alpine scenery in Europe, a spa hotel built on the site of Adolf Hitler's mountain eyrie hopes to exorcise the ghost of the Nazi leader.

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傩舞中具有强烈的祭祀宗教成份,倘若抽去这些成份因子,展现出来的是完全具有娱乐游戏功能的傩舞。The exorcise possesses intensive dements of religious sacrifice. Provided that it were drawn off such elements, the exorcise would come out to be a form, which is just a complete recreation.

傩舞中具有强烈的祭祀宗教成份,倘若抽去这些成份因子,展现出来的是完全具有娱乐游戏功能的傩舞。The exorcise possesses intensive elements of religious sacrifice. Provided that it were drawn off such elements, the exorcise would come out to be a form, which is just a complete recreation.

王一桃在诗里赞美了五千年文化历史的光辉灿烂,揭示了傩文化的本质特征,礼赞了萍乡傩及其发扬光大者。In the poem, Wang Yitao praises the brilliant culture history of five thousand year, reveals the intrinsic characteristic of exorcise culture, and also praises exorcise of pingxiang and its promoters.