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而且为什么只是小指头的指甲?And why just the pinky nail?

我的拇指强有力,我的小手指也是。My thumb is stronger, and so is my pinky.

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试着将手指抬离垫子。Try raising the pinky fingers off the mat.

如今,小指戒指有了手链与之搭配。Pinky rings have met their match in wristbands.

女星詹妮弗·加纳有重叠的小脚趾。Actress Jennifer Garner has an overlapping pinky toe.

还随”小红“赠送泡泡纸来捏,真有心!How considerate that bubble paper goes with my "Pinky"!

让小指粉色的一边最靠近镜头-这里是手最薄的地方。Show the pinky side of the hand to the camera – it is the thinner side

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戴的戒指太多或戴一个粉色的戒指,人们会觉得你不严肃。Wear too many rings, or a pinky ring, and you won't be taken seriously.

时髦的标志,包括鱼类和pinky和漫画的影响。Funky logos for the product include fish and the Pinky and the Brain cartoon rats.

我也爱上面照片中的小狗,她名叫小粉,是最棒的小狗。I also love that little dog in the photo above, her name is Pinky and she’s the best.

这很有趣,因为手指敏感度会随着转向小拇指那边而减小。That’s interesting, because finger sensitivity declines as you head towards the pinky.

使用橡皮工具,在我们先前创建的桃红色图层上进行调整,让他变淡。Take the eraser, and on the pink layer that we created earlier, just make the pink not so pinky.

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虽然江秋萍比林姬莹保守,但她发现自己也很有冒险精神。Although Pinky was more conservative than Vicky, she found that she, too, had an adventurous spirit.

这个芯片,有我的手指甲那么大,边长4毫米。And to give you a size perspective, that is about the size of my pinky finger nail, 4 mm on the side.

当结婚戒指戴在小拇指上都显小时,我就用一个便宜的链子在它挂在脖子上了。When my rings became too small even for my pinky finger, I hung them around my neck on a cheap chain.

你从下图也能看到,将手转动,让小指粉色的一边最靠近镜头可以让姿势看起来更柔美。As you can see below, turning the hand with the pinky closest to the camera improves the pose slightly

平基走进驾驶室,瞧着仪表,挑剔地听着柴油机的震动。Pinky came into the pilot house, looked at the gauges, listened critically to the throb of the diesels.

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从1998年7月开始,林姬莹和江秋萍花了922天,骑自行车穿过五大洲的32个国家。Beginning in July 1998, Vicky and Pinky spent 922 days cycling through 32 nations, in all five continents.

有一次在加州,林姬莹和江秋萍找不到便宜的住所,只好在公园扎营。Once, in California, Vicky and Pinky were unable to find any cheap accommodation, so they camped in a park.

最简单易学的魔术卡招术“的粉红符”是发现,在这神奇的一课免费视频。The easy-to-learn magic card trick technique "The Pinky Break" is revealed in this free magic lesson video.