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我像转圈圈般的在比赛吗?。Do I race in a twister?

那真是个难题。That is a real twister.

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你可以试试绕口令。You may try the tongue twister.

首先,让我们来说个绕口令吧!First, let's say a tongue twister.

这句话很绕嘴。This sentence is a tongue twister.

绕口令是一种语言游戏。Tongue twister is a language game.

卷风将这个城市变成了一片废墟。The twister turned this city into a shambles.

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扭线机与卡式模可快速切换。Twister and applicator can be changed quickly.

旅行经过德克萨斯州时,我们摄下了龙卷风。We videotaped a twister while traveling through Texas.

和接下来的相比,刚才的龙卷风就像是开胃小菜。That twister was an amuse-bouche compared to what's on the way.

他们希望能创下最大「扭扭乐」游戏地垫的世界纪录。They hope to set a world record for the largest Twister game board.

龙捲风在复育中心生活十二个月后,长到了四十五公斤。Twister grew to about 45kg within 12 months of living at the center.

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前端打端子,后端剥皮、半剥、捻线三合一功能。Autoset function for stripping , half stripping and twister of rear side.

几秒钟后,龙卷风来了,卷走了餐厅的屋顶和两面墙。Seconds later, the twister hit, taking the dining room's roof and two walls.

绕口令就是把易混同的单词编在一起,因此很难将其读正确、清晰。A tongue twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to say properly.

急口令是中国民间文学中比较独特的语言艺术形式。The tongue twister is a distinctive language art form in Chinese folk literature.

汤迪斯先生努力教你舌头怎样去扭国际音标辅音教学去翻去转去挖苦那些舌头笨拙的人。Mr. Tongue Twister tried to teach your tongue to twist and turn , and twit an twat.

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塔斯卡卢萨的居民詹姆斯-赛克斯告诉CNN的记者这个巨大的旋风就像是一个“沉默的怪兽”。Tuscaloosa resident James Sykes told CNN the massive twister was "like a silent monster."

每节课开始时我们总是用绕口令来练习发音。We always practice our pronunciation with a tongue twister at the beginning of every lesson.

Twister325的射程在10至325英尺之间,可以覆盖5000至12000人。Launching a distance of 10 to 325 feet, the Twister 325 can reach a crowd of 5,000 to 12,000.