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垂死的老人举目望天,虔诚地祈祷。The dying old man cast up his eyes to heaven and prayed devoutly.

那么虔诚的天主教徒苏珊大妈会首先感谢谁呢?Who does the devoutly Catholic Susan Boyle thank first in her liner notes?

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和2001年以及2005年当选的前辈们相比,他们更加深信反一体化主义。They will be even more devoutly Eurosceptic than the classes of 2001 and 2005.

老师和同学们的印象中,她是一个文静,好学而又诚恳的天主教小女孩。Teachers and students remembered her as a quiet, studious and devoutly Catholic girl.

这项考验将她引到了一个村庄,这里的村民友善但却是虔诚的和平主义者。The task leads her to a village populated by friendly but devoutly pacifistic creatures.

内德·弗兰德斯是左撇子,是虔诚的教徒,身体轮廓极其分明。Ned Flanders is left-handed, devoutly religious, and has a surprisingly chiseled physique.

她们中的三人,一位是天主教徒,一位是福音基督徒,一位是正统犹太教徒,都是非常虔诚的支持生命权的人。Three of them, a Catholic, an evangelical Christian, and an Orthodox Jew, were devoutly pro-life.

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最近他向虔诚信教的父母坦诚他是同性恋,结果他的父母要和他划清界限。He had recently come out as gay to his devoutly religious parents, who responded by disowning him.

如果父母双方都是虔诚的教徒,那么他们8岁的女儿很可能也很虔诚。If Mom and Dad are both devoutly religious, then their 8-year-old daughter is likely to appear devout.

体外受精曾一度被视为神耍弄的堕落把戏,而现在被人们,其中甚至有许多虔诚的宗教信徒所接受。In vitro fertilization was once seen as depraved God-playing and is now embraced, even by many of the devoutly religious.

释永信出身于一个虔诚的佛教家庭,他于1981年在少林寺出家后学会了将武术与坐禅合二为一。When he moved to the temple from a devoutly Buddhist family in 1981, Yongxin learned to add kung fu moves to his meditation.

每一次,当舞者虔诚地舞蹈,或当作曲家在寂静之中寻访那隐藏着的美妙音乐时,永恒便诞生了。Each time a dancer moves devoutly or a composer faithfully searches the silence for the veiled melodies, eternity is engaged.

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很有趣的是,对土耳其虔诚的穆斯林腹地的研究发现,对伊斯兰教的虔诚度和资本主义的成功之间存在着很强的相关性。Intriguingly, research on Turkey’s devoutly Muslim heartland finds a strong positive link between Islamic piety and capitalist success.

一个是四国朝圣路上八十八尊佛的一组白描像,他虔诚地将他们的轮廓——佛袍,晕环,静安的手——着上颜色。One was a set of drawings of the 88 Buddhas of the Shikoku pilgrimage, whose outlines—robes, haloes, calm hands—he devoutly painted in.

他使苏格兰成为世界上最虔诚的加尔文主义国家。长老会和长老会形式的教会政府开始建立。He made Scotland the most devoutly Calvinist country in the world. This started the Presbyterian Church and its form of church government.

这是一个虔诚的穆斯林社群,他们的祖居地主要集中在西苏门答腊岛葱郁的高地上,一直延伸到浪花咆哮的海岸。A devoutly Muslim community, their ancestral homelands are centered in West Sumatra's lush highlands and stretch as far as the roaring seashore.

虽然我知道这一切,可是我对她的爱一分也不会减少,也不会使我有所克制,相反,我却更把她奉为人间最优秀的绝代佳丽。I loved her nonetheless because I knew it, and it had no more influence in restraining me, than if I had devoutly believed her to be human perfection.

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让我们虔诚礼拜诸佛菩萨慈悲加持,使厄难消除,诸上善人俱会一处。Let's pray devoutly to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their mercy empowerment, so that we can have our distress eliminated and meet mentors of virtue.

不论向谁听闻正等正觉者的教法,听者皆应礼敬说法者,如婆罗门礼敬圣火。Just as a brahman priest reveres his sacrificial fire, even so should one devoutly revere the person from whom one has learned the Dhamma taught by the Buddha.

我知讲阿谁想头是这么聪慧这么没有实正在际,但我借是热澈秘期视您可以或许帮忙卧丁相疑俱乐部可以或许愈来愈棒,忠真天为她祈祷,便战从前一样!I don't know whether it is unpractical, but i sincerely hope that you could lend me a hand! I wish the club be better, and i will devoutly pray for her as i did before.