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该诅咒的坏运气。Blame the rotten luck.

熟的快烂的也快…Soon ripe, soon rotten.

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李晴和简在爬梯子。Half of the plums are rotten.

我闻到有腐臭味。I can smell something rotten.

我今天走了霉运了。I’m having rotten luck today.

这案板糟了。The chopping board is rotten.

老底子新花样。Rotten Cloth with New Pattern.

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这些腐烂的水果不能再吃。The rotten fruit is not eatable.

这个梨子的果心腐烂了。This pear is rotten at the core.

臭蛋分发出难闻的气息。Rotten eggs give off a bad smell.

这个制度腐败透顶。The system is rotten to the core.

有时她使用腐烂的高丽菜。Sometimes she uses rotten cabbage.

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这苹果烂透了。The apple was rotten right through.

司令官这一天过得真倒楣。The Commandant has had a rotten day.

他由于吃了腐肉而中毒。He is poisoned by eating rotten meat.

好端端的大蒜粒咋烂掉霉变了?Hey ye rotten mold of garlic tablets?

坏鸡蛋开始发臭。The rotten eggs began to pen-and-ink.

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那些腐坏的蛋发出一股臭味。The rotten eggs give out a bad smell.

腐烂的鱼的味道令我作呕。The smell of rotten fish disgusts me.

你说得对。我这个人花钱真没数。You're right. I'm rotten about money.