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三变量卡诺图有八个方格。The three-variable Karnaugh map has eight squares.

探讨了卡诺图化简异或逻辑函数的原理,提出了化简异或逻辑函数的新方法。The principle of using karnaugh maps to simplify XOR logical functions is explored.

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本文还介绍了卡诺图高维块的双码表示的新方法。A new method for expressing the high-degree block of Karnaugh map with two-codes is presented.

本文提出一种异步时序电路设计的符号卡诺图的新方法。This paper presents a new method of asynchronous design is illustrated by the symbolic Karnaugh map.

此外,本文提出元件级电路设计的卡诺图方法和代数方法。Besides, the Karnaugh map method and algebra method are presented for designing component level circuits.

文章介绍了在数字逻辑电路设计中降维卡诺图的建立和应用。This paper discusses the foundation and the application of reduced-dimension Karnaugh map in numeral logical circuit design.

给出了用卡诺图法化简逻辑函数的基本原则,并用事例诠释了基本原则。To give the essential principles reduced a logistic function by Karnaugh chart, and to explain the principles through an example.

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通过实例介绍了用降维卡诺图表示和化简逻辑函数的方法。Through examples, this paper has explained the method to represent and simplify logic functions with dimension lowered Karnaugh maps.

仿效卡诺图设计了以异或门为基本电路的电路设计用图—异或图。The XOR map is presented that is a graphic for design base on exclusive-OR gate circuits and is follow the example of the Karnaugh map.

在异步时序电路设计中,它将时钟方程和状态方程的求解归在统一的符号卡诺图上进行。In design of pulsed asynchronous sequential circuits, it will solve for equations of clock and equations of state, on a symbolic Karnaugh map.

基于真值表和卡诺图的等价性,本文提出一种基于真值表搜索的逻辑函数自动化简方法。Based on the equivalence of the true table and Karnaugh map, a novel general method of simplifying logical functions is proposed in this paper.

逻辑函数化简中,卡诺图化简以其简便、准确的特点而常被大家青睐,但多被用于五变量以内的函数。As it is simple and accurate, karnaugh method is widely used in reducing Boolean expression in which the number of variables is usually within five.

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通过两个典型例子,介绍了卡诺图应用于同步时序电路的逻辑分析和逻辑设计的方法。With two concrete examples, this paper discusses the application of Karnaugh figure in synchronous time-sequence logic circuit's analysis and design.

随着电子技术的迅速发展,卡诺图已经成为逻辑设计中常用的一种数学工具。Along with the technical and quick development in electronics, the Karnaugh Map has become in common use as a kind of mathematics tool in logic design.

该方法通俗易懂,特别在卡诺图化简、组合逻辑电路设计中具有一定的理论参考价值。This method is easy to understand, specially simplifies, in the combinatory logic circuit design in the Karnaugh map has the certain theory reference value.

通过对卡诺结构多维性的分析讨论,推介一种新的几何代数算法,并充分论证其正确性和有效性。Through commenting on the multiple dimensional character of Karnaugh structure, a new algebra-geometry algorithm with its correctness and efficiency is presented.

对数字电路中卡诺图化简、时序电路分析和集成电路教学等三个问题的教学方法进行一定的分析和探讨。This paper is a discussion on some teaching methods of the simplification for Karnaugh map, the analysis of sequential circuit and the teaching of integrated circuits.

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该方法首先求出时序电路中各触发器的次态表达式,然后把各次态表达式表示在同一张卡诺图上,最后再把它转换成状态图。This method calculates the next status functions of each trigger in a sequenced circuit and shows all the functions within one Karnaugh map, and then converts into status chart.

通过对编码器真值表的特点分析,利用卡诺图最小项合并规则得出了直接书写逻辑表达式的具体方法。Through to the encoder truth table characteristic analysis, has obtained the direct writing logical expression concrete method using the Karnaugh map most minor term merge rule.