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科托娃是注定成就卓越的。Kotova is destined for greatness.

不要再怀疑你自己的伟大。Stop doubting the greatness in YOU.

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我羡慕他的搏大。I admire her vastness and greatness.

伟大是需要时间证明的。Time is needed to certify greatness.

伟大有时就是领先一步。Greatness sometimes is one step ahead.

我相信美国的伟大之处。I believe in the greatness of America.

生命之伟大在于自我改造。The greatness lies in self-remoulding.

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他的伟大之处是藏而不露。His greatness was clothed in anonymity.

爱里面是有孕育力,一颗纯洁的火种。In that love is the greatness of being.

按著他极美的大德赞美他。Praise him for his surpassing greatness.

湖南是一个人杰地灵,景色秀美的地方。Hunan is a place of greatness and beauty.

完全忽略了学生的潜能。They completely missed the seed of greatness.

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伟大与至善并非同路人。Greatness and goodness go not always together.

一个民族的伟大出自于它的学校教育。Out of the schools grows a nation’s greatness.

我曾眼见自身的伟大时刻如叶颤栗。I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker.

而他只得贬低这一感到侮辱的伟大。One has to disparage the greatness that insults.

伟大的领导者激励我们前进。E. 01- Great leaders inspire greatness in others.

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在上帝眼里,服事他人才不枉此生。In God' s eyes, true greatness is serving others.

如此看来,兴趣并非来自于伟大。So look, interesting does not come from greatness.

我们的巨大成就让你们感到惊奇。You marveled at the greatness of our achievements.