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于用药后4,6周观察大鼠滑膜组织和软骨组织病理学改变。Histopathology of synovium and cartilage was tested at weeks 4 and 6 after treatment.

强化后滑膜增强,结节强化。The proliferated synovium and synovial nodules were enhanced after contrast administration.

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这是干练的协助下,由滑液这是所产生的滑膜,上述胶状层。It is ably assisted by the synovial fluid which is produced by the synovium , the aforementioned rubbery layer.

结论尪痹片对实验性类风湿关节炎的滑膜及关节软骨具有较好的保护作用。Conclusion WP has certain protective effect on ankle synovium and cartilage of rats with experimental arthritis.

目的探讨三维超声成像在评价髌上囊滑膜病变中的应用价值。ObjectiveTo analyze the value of three dimensional ultrasound imaging in synovium lesions of suprapatellar bursa.

本研究通过建立膑下脂肪垫和滑膜损伤的模型,观察神经肽SP、CGRP和NPY的水平变化。The model of infrapatellar fat pad and synovium injury was established, and the level of SP, CGRP and NPY were observed.

丰富的神经支配的FJ,软骨下骨,滑膜囊的腰痛可能是一个潜在来源。The capsule of the FJ, subchondral bone, and synovium are richly innervated and can be a potential source of the low back pain.

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滑膜组织内出现散在出血点及炎细胞浸润,滑膜表面完整性破坏。There were many hemorrhagic spots in synovium with infiltration of inflammation cells and the surface of synovium was destructed.

皮肤变形性滑液囊肿是一种最近才被提出的真皮内囊肿,其组织病理下与增生性滑液膜相似。The cutaneous metaplastic synovial cyst is a recently described intradermal cyst lined by a membrane that resembles hyperplastic synovium.

慢性炎症可持续很长时间。图示风湿性关节炎滑膜见大量深蓝色淋巴细胞。Chronic inflammation can go on for a long time. Seen here in the synovium of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis are collections of dark blue lymphocytes.

慢性炎症可持续很长时间。图示风湿性关节炎滑膜见大量深蓝色淋巴细胞。Chronic inflammation can go on for a long time. Seen here in the synovium of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis are collections of dark blue lymphocytes.

采用髋关节后外侧入路加大转子截骨显露术摘除游离体、切除病变滑膜,疗效确切。It can provide reliable effect with free bodies removal and inoolved synovium resection through posteriolater hip appoach with greater trochanter osteotomy.

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磁共振成像可明确显示关节滑膜、关节腔积液、关节软骨破坏和关节周围软组织改变。RESULTSMRI could reveal accurately the synovium of joint, effusion of joint, destruction of articular cartilage and the changes of periarticular soft tissues.

双水焦磷酸钙结晶沉积可发生在脊柱,例如椎间盘,韧带、关节软骨,滑膜和关节囊。Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition can occur in spinal structures such as intervertebral discs ligaments articular cartilage synovium and joint capsules16.

研究表明伴有充血、炎症滑膜的关节神经痛或者退行性关节炎很可能会产生游离体,但是也容易被吸收。Neuropathic or degenerative joints with hyperemic or inflamed synovium are particularly prone to the development of loose bodies, but they also tend to rapidly reabsorb them.

腱鞘巨细胞瘤可发生于关节滑膜、滑囊或腱鞘,依据其生长方式和生物学行为,可分成局限性和弥漫性腱鞘巨细胞瘤两类。Tenosynovial giant cell tumors arise from synovium of joints, bursae , or tendon sheaths, and are classified into localized and diffuse types based on the growth pattern and clinical behavior.

病理光镜下第9周患爪部跖趾关节滑膜可见炎性反应,膝关节软骨无明显改变。The synovium of the metatarsophalanggales articulations of the paw gave obvious inflammatory reactions on the 9th week, while the cartilages and synovium of the knee remained normal in this aspect.