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第一修正案毋庸置疑地养育着民主化知识。The First Amendment unapologetically nurtures the democratization of knowledge.

专家说,随着过去十年印尼的民主化,英语变成了新的荷兰语。With Indonesia's democratization in the past decade, experts say, English became the new Dutch.

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毋庸置疑,民主化和法制化是中国走向现代化的终极目标。Undoubtedly, the ultimate goal of the Chinese modernization is democratization and legalization.

在韩国,金大中将在人们的记忆中作为民主化运动的英雄受到缅怀。In South Korea, Kim Dae-jung will be remembered as a heroic icon of the democratization movement.

民主制度帮助首尔在很短时间内转变为一个宜居的都市。Democratization has helped transform Seoul into a more livable city in an extraordinarily short time.

或许最重要的是,我们体会到没有放之四海皆准的通用的民主化方案。Perhaps most importantly, we learned that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for democratization.

第一是经济的增长将不可避免并且迅速地导致民主化。The first was that economic growth would inevitably -- and fairly swiftly -- lead to democratization.

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在亚洲和非洲,虽然自由化和民主化发展不一,但也确实取得了发展。In Asia and Africa, liberalization and democratization have been more irregular but nevertheless real.

最后,阐明了在我国应用与发展近红外技术的策略,即“产业化”与“民主化”相结合。In order to develop the technology of NIRS, the Industrialization and Democratization should combined.

奢侈品逐渐“平民化”,昔日遥不可及的奢侈品已进入寻常百姓家。Luxury goods have progressively "came down" in the street during the democratization of luxury industry.

惠特尔说,"全球捐助"组织继承了凯斯基金会提出的"慈善事业民主化"的理念。GlobalGiving follows the Case Foundation’s belief in the "democratization of philanthropy," Whittle said.

毋庸置疑,民主化和法制化是中国走向现代化的终极目标。There is no doubt that democratization and legalization is finial goals of the China's modernization drive.

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而国际因素主要扮演菲律宾政治民主化的“塑造者”和“推动者”角色。And international factors play the role of shaper and promoter in the political democratization of Philippine.

村委会选举中的竞争程度是政治民主化的一个重要因素。The contest in the process of villagers voting is regarded as an important factor in political democratization.

融入世界经济的国家还接受全球化,从而走向民主化与平等化。Countries that embrace the world economy also embrace globalization, leading to democratization and equalization.

他还说“人民将永远怀念他为实现民主与南北韩和解所展现的雄心壮志”。Kim's "aspirations to achieve democratization and inter-Korean reconciliation will long be remembered by the people."

另外,它也资助所谓"极权国家"或"半极权国家"内部推动民主化的非政府组织。In addition, it funds NGOs in the so-called authoritarian and semi-authoritarian countries to accelerate democratization.

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西方媒体非常希望推动中国的民主化和自由化进程,这与广大中国民众的希望是一致的。The Western Medias are keen about carrying forward the democratization and liberation process, so are the Chinese people.

公共图书馆精神的发展经历了平民化、社会教育和民主社会的保障三个阶段。The spirit of public libraries has experienced three stages, i. e. civilianization, social education and democratization.

文化民主化可能产生其他结果,通常来说,文化存在于主流力量中。There are other consequences of this democratization. Generally speaking, culture operates within the mainstreams of power.