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你是怎样成为一个性代理的?How did you become a sex surrogate?

大多数代理伴侣住在南加州。Most surrogate partners live in Southern California.

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李宣佑怎麽找代理人来执行任务?。Why did Yo-Yo get a surrogate to do the job for him?

首先需要为代理键生成惟一的值。You need to generate unique values for the surrogate key.

他们生活在一起并开始组建一个代理家庭。They lived together and started to raise a surrogate family.

以实玛利是从夏甲给亚伯拉罕生的儿子。Ishmael was Abraham's son by using Hagar as the Surrogate mother.

一天,我终于对于桑德拉说我准备去看性爱代理。One day, I finally said to Sondra I was ready to see a surrogate.

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每年英国都有大约100-200人找代孕。Around 100 to 200 women in the UK use surrogate mothers each year.

键管理器封装了代理键生成函数。The key manager encapsulates the surrogate key generation function.

指示指定的字符是否具有代理项码位。Indicates whether the specified character has a surrogate code point.

1983年日本产科界通过了一项禁止代孕的规定。Japanese obstetricians adopted a ban against surrogate births in 1983.

然后将产生的胚胎转移到一个代孕狗妈妈。The resulting embryo was then transferred into a surrogate dog mother.

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李家杰的三胞胎,就是在美国由代母诞下的。In fact, Peter Lee's triplets were born of a surrogate mother in the US.

中年男子眉飞色舞地介绍起了“代孕”的种种好处。Middle-aged man has exultant description of "surrogate" in its benefits.

作为一个母是一个精神和身体艰巨的任务。Being a surrogate mother is an emotionally and physically demanding task.

然而,现实中的代孕却是禁而不止仍然大量存在的。However, in reality, despite being banned surrogate is still a lot there.

这个女性代理人是注册护士,是社会工作方面的专家。The female surrogate was a registered nurse with a master's in social work.

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文中主要讨论了如何为代理键生成惟一的序列值。It focused on how to generate unique consequent values for the surrogate key.

当创建一个表时,可以添加一个额外的列作为代理键。When you create a table, you can add an extra column to be the surrogate key.

迈克尔·杰克逊的第三个孩子普林斯·迈克尔二世由代孕母亲生下。A third child, Prince Michael II, was born with the aid of a surrogate mother.