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绝大多数认为有罪。A pretty sizeable majority.

现在,一亿零四百八十万欧元的巨额资金注入,使得尤文拥有了强大的财政后盾。Now Juve can rely on a sizeable increase of capital, 104.8 million euros.

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在大学入学生中,半工半读的学生占了相当大的比例。Part-time students make up a sizeable proportion of the college population.

罗斯柴尔德家族还持有经济学人杂志的大量股权。The Rothschild family also has a sizeable shareholder interest in The Economist.

麦凯恩的民意支持率在共和党全国代表大会召开后获得可观”反弹”,占据了领先地位。Post-convention polls gave Mr McCain a sizeable “bounce”, vaulting him into the lead.

查理缜密计划了如何召集庞大的军队并保证供给线。Charles thought carefully about assembling a sizeable army and ensuring his supply lines.

要做好翻译,需要在源语言和目标语言二者身上花相当大的精力。To be a good translator requires a sizeable investment in both source and target languages.

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与市区接壤的西面是尼罗河,这是两个相当大的阻碍岛。Bordering Downtown to the west is the Nile River, which is obstructed by two sizeable islands.

“而且,”我的美容医师诱惑道,“化妆好处多多呀。"Plus, " my dermatologist says seductively, "there will be sizeable cosmetic benefits, as well.

此外,美国基督教徒中有相当多的摩门教徒和耶和华见证人。In addition, American Christianity includes sizeable numbers of Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

我们见到今年规模庞大的交易如默克和辉瑞合并即透过此一模式."We've seen sizeable acquisitions this year for Merck and Pfizer done this way," the banker said.

来自国外工作的蒙古人的合法或非法汇款占了这些钱的很大一部分。Remittances from Mongolians working abroad both legally and illegally constitute a sizeable portion.

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尽管一些相当规模的银行依旧为现金服务企业提供服务,但是他们对将要接触的客户已经十分挑剔了。Though a few sizeable banks still serve MSBs, they have become much choosier about who they will touch.

如果你拥有相当可观的读者群,你或许便有了收入的第二来源。If you build up a sizeable readership you might be able to create a second income stream from your blog.

长期遭到德国反对的上述方法,将允许希腊脱手一部分可观的债务负担。That approach – long rejected by Germany – would allow Greece to erase part of its sizeable debt burden.

目前,集团以香港为基地,在深圳、广州和新加坡设有颇具规模的分公司。Based in Hong Kong, the Group has established sizeable subsidiaries in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Singapore.

高山湖周围露营地有四处,半英里之内还有好几家。There are 4 sizeable campgrounds immediately around Lake Alpine, with a few more in the half-mile radius.

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本周二的团体游客颇有代表性,他们是一群专程来寻找“希望”的日本人。Typical of this was the arrival on Tuesday of a sizeable group of Japanese tourists who flocked to "Hope."

如果被任命为房产共同遗嘱执行人,凯瑟琳·杰克逊还将获得相应的执行人酬劳。If named a co-executor of the estate, Katherine Jackson would also be entitled to a sizeable executor's fee.

克拉克远远地开在前面,已保持了一段足够长的安全车距,他于是放慢车速,开始定速巡航。Out in front, Clarke had built up such a sizeable safety margin that he eased the pace and started cruising.