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抢夺罪是介于抢劫罪与盗窃罪之间的一种罪。The seizing crime is between robbery and steal.

抓住这个机遇,施七埯抢走了盔甲。Seizing this opportunity, Shi Qian snatched the armor.

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“我赶快去请医生,”吉特说,抓起他那顶没有边的帽子。I'll run for a doctor said kit seizing his brimless hat.

我们行动敏捷,善于接受变化并抓住新的机会。We move quickly embracing change and seizing new opportunities.

官方否认了征地,谴责那种传统不成文的赌地权法律。The authorities deny seizing land and blame ancient, unwritten ownership laws.

“我,我厌恶他,”宠儿用了同样的语调回答,重又拿起她的叉子。"I? I detest him," replied Favourite in the same tone, seizing her fork again.

但它是关于自由,抓住你想要的东西-的辣妹,赛车的。But it's about freedom, seizing what you want — the babes, the cars, the money.

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然而很多夫妇选择这一生一世唯一的一天去开始婚姻生活。But many couples are seizing the once-in-a-lifetime date to start married life.

于是夺取队就能够夺取这个情报所提供的全部物资。So the seizing group was able to seize all the materials with this information.

而且,没有了赫利俄斯,就再也没有人能阻止梦神摩尔甫斯占有永恒的力量。And without Helios, there is no one to keep Morpheus from seizing permanent power.

现在是时候采取大胆行动,抓住其它企业没有发现的机会了吗?Is now a time for bold action, seizing opportunities that others have not spotted?

克莱尔走到这个长着红头发的姑娘面前,在他把她抱起来时,他看了苔丝一眼。He went up to the red-haired girl, and while he was seizing her he glanced at Tess.

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结果,我们截获的非法枪支、现金和毒品比往年都多。And as a result, we’re seizing more illegal guns, cash and drugs than in years past.

但就像贪婪的孩子一样,上层阶级几乎侵吞了所有的社会财富。But like greedy children, the folks at the top are seizing virtually all the marbles.

两手伸出似墨染,又刨又抓又扶筐。Inky hands stretched out to their precious, digging, pawing and seizing their gabions.

亚历山大趁势示意军队转而直功大流士。Seizing the moment, Alexander signals his troops to turn and charge straight at Darius.

但是,像现金一样,比特币可通过定位存储它们的电脑而被追踪到。But, like cash, Bitcoins can be nabbed by seizing the computer on which they are stored.

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不久,北方又在另一个战场上取得了重大的胜利,北方攻占了密西西比州的维克斯堡。Soon after that, the Union won another important victory, seizing Vicksburg, Mississippi.

至于未来,我们很自信我们已经做好了准备,但关键都在于是否能抓住时机。As for the future, we are confident we are on track, but it's all about seizing the moments.

孟克和家人抓紧时间,赶在严冬之前进行最后的出场放牧。Mengke and his family are seizing the last days of grazing before the bitter winter arrives.