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他是一个彻头彻尾的恶棍。He is a thorough scoundrel.

十分全面周到。Extremely thorough and thoughtful.

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把这房间好好儿打扫一下。Give the room a thorough cleaning.

我把汽车彻底检修了一遍。I gave the car a thorough going-over.

提供彻底的B树的报告。Provides thorough reporting of B-trees.

清楚地字行,透彻的心伤。Clearly the word line, a thorough heart.

她笔下的人物都是南方式的。Her characters are thorough Southerners.

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流氓们将他毒打一顿。The thugs gave him a thorough going-over.

他们对他彻底搜身寻找毒品。They gave him a thorough frisk for drugs.

求学问一定要有追根究底的精神。One must be thorough in acquiring knowledge.

修车厂对这辆汽车进行了彻底检修。The garage gave the car a thorough going-over.

我忽视了一些事实,我会更全面地看问题的。I overlooked some facts. I'll be more thorough.

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我了事实,我会更地看问题的。I overlooked some facts, I. ll be more thorough.

大夫为病人做了周全搜检。The doctor gave the patient a thorough check-up.

好读书,不求甚解。Good reading, read without thorough understanding.

他对形势的分析很透彻。He made a very thorough analysis on the situation.

妻子对他照顾得无微不至,知冷知热的。His wife is taking good, and thorough care of him.

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躺下,我给你做全身检查。Lie down and I'll give you a thorough examination.

党史党建界对其党建思想的研究还不够全面、深入。The study on his thought isn't enough and thorough.

一种深入骨髓的忧郁和疲倦。A kind of thorough marrow of melancholy and weariness.