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她是在哪里攻读博士学位的?Where did she do her doctorate?

我在清华大学读的博士。I did my doctorate in Qinghua University.

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安东尼·布鲁克就是语言学博士。Anthony Bruck had a doctorate in linguistics.

罗杰布雷克威博士持有电子物理学博士学位。Dr Blakeway holds a Doctorate in Electron Physics.

然后,我在同一领域取得了博士学位,And then I pursued the doctorate in that same field

教授通常都有博士学位。Professors usually have doctorial doctorate degrees.

那你怎么弄到的博士学位?How did you get your doctorate without reading eckhart?

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首先恭喜你获得了博士学位。Q. Firstly congratulations on receiving your Doctorate.

他刚获得了人文主义文学名誉博士学位。He received an honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters.

如今莉兹仍在哈佛大学攻读临床心理学博士课程。She is now contemplating a doctorate in clinical psychology.

威廉老伯将被授与人文学荣誉博士。Williams will receive an honorary doctorate in humane letters.

讲师要为学生授课,可能拥有,也可能没有博士学位。Lecturers teach classes, but they may or may not have a doctorate.

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该学院不久前授予了布什名誉博士学位。The institution recently gave the president an honorary doctorate.

你需要陆续拿到本科学位,硕士学位和博士学位。You get a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree and then a Doctorate.

黄志明博士还拥有医学博士学位并获得了麻醉师资格。Dr Wong also has a medical doctorate and is a qualified Anaesthetist.

随后,我从大学毕了业,开始了我的物理学博士学位学习。I graduated from college and began studying for my physics doctorate.

她的收入在乔治敦大学的伊斯兰研究的博士学位。She's earning a doctorate in Islamic studies at Georgetown University.

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查理。霍克于1981年获得加州大学洛杉矶分校都市规划博士学位。Charlie Hoch received his doctorate in Urban Planning from UCLA in 1981.

1991年吉尼斯获得剑桥大学名誉博士学位。In 1991, Guinness received an Honorary Doctorate from Cambridge University.

1988年获得博士学位后,莱因哈特女士开始在国际货币基金组织工作。After earning her doctorate in 1988, Ms. Reinhart started work at the I.M.F.