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它是恐惧。它是相异,分离的感觉。It's the sense of otherness , separateness.

它是相异,分离的感觉。It ' s the sense of otherness , separateness.

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奥巴马万众瞩目,在肤色上和“其他方面”不像欧萨玛。Not unlike Osama in complexion and "otherness", Obama dazzles.

他表示,百度的用户基数和差异性都非常大。He expresses, the user base of Baidu and otherness are very big.

他大肆招摇这种另类,这让他成了明星,却掩盖了他的演戏天分。He promenaded this otherness. It made him a star but obscured his talent.

对误读的研究和关注是当代意识的产物,反映出对文化差异性的重视。Researches on misreading is a result of the contemporary ideology which thinks a lot of otherness.

女性必须尊重丈夫的他性——她必须接受这一点,因为她永远不可能完全了解他。A wife must respect the otherness of her husband—she must accept it, she will never know him fully.

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从心理分析角度讲,这被称为他者无意识的话语。We have understood this in psychoanalytic terms as the discourse of the otherness of the unconscious.

只是给相异性赋予历史意义,它满足了我对知识的渴求。It's just historicizing otherness in a way that somehow or another satisfies my quest for information.

思考与探究的要点是情与理的同一性、差异性与辩证性。The main point of thinking and exploring is id entity and otherness and dialectic of sense and reason.

那么,不但所谓的多元化、差异性得不到保证,连人的社会存在都成了问题。As a result, not only can pluralism and otherness not be ensured, but also the human existence is doubtful.

伽达默尔认为历史主义忘记了,我们会从过去性和他性中学到一些东西的可能性。Gadamer believes that historicism forgets the possibility of being taught something by past-ness or otherness.

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最后,论文提出差异性是二十世纪辞书儿化词具有的首要特征。Ultimately, pointing out that otherness was the primary characteristics of Erhuaci of 20th century dictionary.

正如前面美国人对于外国人的认识一样,日本漫画里的外国人角色看起来都是特征非常明显的。The otherness of foreigners is clearly marked by physical stereotypes – just as Americans do with people of colour.

有一点值得注意的是,如果漫画的故事设定发生在外国,比如中国或者美国,日本漫画家则会完全抛弃那些角色外表设定。Note that the Japanese drop the markings of otherness if the action is set in a foreign land, like China or America.

在中国经济快速增长的过程中,各地区经济增长呈现出显著的差异性。In the process that grows quickly in Chinese economy, growth of various places economy presents a remarkable otherness.

假如MSN与腾讯之间缺乏了差异性,MSN原有白领用户会不会向腾讯或飞信转移。If otherness was lacked between MSN and Tecent, user of MSN original white-collar can Xiang Teng dispatch or flying letter move.

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名词化在新闻社论中可以隐喻既存性、不可协商性、逻辑关系和他性。Nominalization in news editorials can be employed to metaphorize existingness, non-negotiability, logical relation and otherness.

物源来自伊盟隆起,受板块碰撞作用影响,物源区差异性抬升明显,具东西分区的特征。Source is from the Yimeng uplift , otherness uplift in source area is obvious, and characteristics of east-west division are taken on.

控制黄土湿陷性的因素很多,而同一场地黄土的湿陷性往往具有较大的差异性。There are many factors that affect the loess collapsibility, and loess collapsibility commonly have biggish otherness in a small area.